Vermont Statutes
Chapter 151 - State Land Use and Development Plans
§ 6087. Denial of application

§ 6087. Denial of application
(a) No application shall be denied by the District Commission unless it finds the proposed subdivision or development detrimental to the public health, safety, or general welfare.
(b) A permit may not be denied solely for the reasons set forth in subdivisions 6086(a)(5), (6), and (7) of this title. However, reasonable conditions and requirements allowable in subsection 6086(c) of this title may be attached to alleviate the burdens created.
(c) A denial of a permit shall contain the specific reasons for denial. A person may, within six months, apply for reconsideration of his or her permit which application shall include an affidavit to the District Commission and all parties of record that the deficiencies have been corrected. The District Commission shall hold a new hearing upon 25 days’ notice to the parties. The hearing shall be held within 40 days of receipt of the request for reconsideration. (Added 1969, No. 250 (Adj. Sess.), § 12, eff. April 4, 1970; amended 2003, No. 115 (Adj. Sess.), § 57, eff. Jan. 31, 2005.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 10 - Conservation and Development

Chapter 151 - State Land Use and Development Plans

§ 6001. Definitions

§ 6001e. Commercial composting facility; circumvention

§ 6002. Procedures

§ 6003. Penalties

§ 6007. Act 250 Disclosure Statement; jurisdictional determination

§ 6021. Board; vacancy, removal

§ 6022. Personnel

§ 6023. Grants

§ 6024. Intragovernmental cooperation

§ 6025. Rules

§ 6026. District Commissioners

§ 6027. Powers

§ 6028. Compensation

§ 6029. Act 250 Permit Fund

§ 6030. Map of wireless telecommunications facilities

§ 6031. Ethical standards

§ 6042. Capability and Development Plan

§ 6044. Public hearings

§ 6046. Approval of Governor and Legislature

§ 6047. Changes in the Capability and Development Plan

§ 6081. Permits required; exemptions

§ 6082. Approval by local governments and State agencies

§ 6083. Applications

§ 6083a. Act 250 fees

§ 6084. Notice of application; hearings; commencement of review

§ 6085. Hearings; party status

§ 6086. Issuance of permit; conditions and criteria.

§ 6086a. Generators of radioactive waste

§ 6086b. Downtown development; findings

§ 6087. Denial of application

§ 6088. Burden of proof

§ 6089. Appeals

§ 6090. Recording; duration and revocation of permits

§ 6091. Renewals and nonuse

§ 6092. Construction

§ 6093. Mitigation of primary agricultural soils

§ 6101. Purpose

§ 6102. Definitions

§ 6103. Authority

§ 6104. Transportation impact fee; District Commission

§ 6105. Transportation Improvement District and fee; Agency of Transportation

§ 6106. Transportation impact fee; formula

§ 6107. Transportation Improvement District Fund

§ 6108. Payment of fees

§ 6109. Unspent fee amounts; refunds

§ 6110. Appeals

§ 6111. Rulemaking