Vermont Statutes
Chapter 151 - State Land Use and Development Plans
§ 6084. Notice of application; hearings; commencement of review

§ 6084. Notice of application; hearings; commencement of review
(a) On or before the date of filing of an application with the District Commission, the applicant shall send notice and a copy of the initial application to the owner of the land if the applicant is not the owner; the municipality in which the land is located; the municipal and regional planning commissions for the municipality in which the land is located; the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources; and any adjacent Vermont municipality and municipal and regional planning commission if the land is located on a municipal or regional boundary. The applicant shall furnish to the District Commission the names of those furnished notice by affidavit, and shall post a copy of the notice in the town clerk’s office of the town or towns in which the project lies. The applicant shall also provide a list of adjoining landowners to the District Commission. Upon request and for good cause, the District Commission may authorize the applicant to provide a partial list of adjoining landowners in accordance with Board rules.
(b) Upon an application being ruled complete, the District Commission shall determine whether to process the application as a major application with a required public hearing or process the application as a minor application with the potential for a public hearing in accordance with Board rules.
(1) For major applications, the District Commission shall provide notice not less than 14 days prior to any scheduled hearing or prehearing conference to the applicant; the owner of the land if the applicant is not the owner; the municipality in which the land is located; the municipal and regional planning commissions for the municipality in which the land is located; any adjacent Vermont municipality and municipal and regional planning commission if the land is located on a municipal or regional boundary; adjoining landowners as deemed appropriate by the District Commission pursuant to the rules of the Board; and any other person the District Commission deems appropriate.
(2) For minor applications, the District Commission shall provide notice of the commencement of application review to the persons listed in subdivision (1) of this subsection.
(3) For both major and minor applications, the District Commission shall also provide such notice and a copy of the application to: the Board and any affected State agency; the solid waste management district in which the land is located, if the development or subdivision constitutes a facility pursuant to subdivision 6602(10) of this title; and any other municipality, State agency, or person the District Commission deems appropriate.
(c) Anyone required to receive notice of commencement of minor application review pursuant to subsection (b) of this section may request a hearing by filing a request within the public comment period specified in the notice pursuant to Board rules. The District Commission, on its own motion, may order a hearing within 20 days of notice of commencement of minor application review.
(d) Any hearing or prehearing conference for a major application shall be held within 40 days of receipt of a complete application; or within 20 days of the end of the public comment period specified in the notice of minor application review if the District Commission determines that it is appropriate to hold a hearing for a minor application.
(e) Any notice for a major or minor application, as required by this section, shall also be published by the District Commission in a local newspaper generally circulating in the area where the development or subdivision is located not more than ten days after receipt of a complete application.
(1) Notice of any hearing for a major application shall be published, as required by this section, not less than 14 days before the hearing or prehearing conference.
(2) If the District Commission determines that it is appropriate to hold a hearing for an application that was originally noticed as a minor application, then the application shall be renoticed as a major application in accordance with the requirements of this section and Board rules, except that there shall be no requirement to publish the second notice in a local newspaper. Direct notice of the hearing to all persons listed in subdivisions (b)(1) and (3) of this section shall be deemed sufficient.
(f) [Repealed.]
(g) When an application concerns the construction of improvements for one of the following, the application shall be processed as a minor application in accordance with subsections (b) through (e) of this section:
(1) a sawmill that produces three and one-half million board feet or less annually; or
(2) an operation that involves the primary processing of forest products of commercial value and that annually produces:
(A) 3,500 cords or less of firewood or cordwood; or
(B) 10,000 tons or less of bole wood, whole tree chips, or wood pellets. (Added 1969, No. 250 (Adj. Sess.), § 9, eff. April 4, 1970; amended 1991, No. 109, § 2 eff. June 28, 1991; 1993, No. 232 (Adj. Sess.), § 29, eff. March 15, 1995; 1995, No. 189 (Adj. Sess.), § 10, eff. May 22, 1996; 2003, No. 115 (Adj. Sess.), § 54; 2009, No. 146 (Adj. Sess.), § F22; 2017, No. 69, § H.5, eff. June 28, 2017; 2017, No. 113 (Adj. Sess.), § 45; 2017, No. 194 (Adj. Sess.), § 6, eff. May 30, 2018; 2021, No. 170 (Adj. Sess.), § 21, eff. July 1, 2022; 2021, No. 182 (Adj. Sess.), § 32, eff. July 1, 2022.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 10 - Conservation and Development

Chapter 151 - State Land Use and Development Plans

§ 6001. Definitions

§ 6001e. Commercial composting facility; circumvention

§ 6002. Procedures

§ 6003. Penalties

§ 6007. Act 250 Disclosure Statement; jurisdictional determination

§ 6021. Board; vacancy, removal

§ 6022. Personnel

§ 6023. Grants

§ 6024. Intragovernmental cooperation

§ 6025. Rules

§ 6026. District Commissioners

§ 6027. Powers

§ 6028. Compensation

§ 6029. Act 250 Permit Fund

§ 6030. Map of wireless telecommunications facilities

§ 6031. Ethical standards

§ 6042. Capability and Development Plan

§ 6044. Public hearings

§ 6046. Approval of Governor and Legislature

§ 6047. Changes in the Capability and Development Plan

§ 6081. Permits required; exemptions

§ 6082. Approval by local governments and State agencies

§ 6083. Applications

§ 6083a. Act 250 fees

§ 6084. Notice of application; hearings; commencement of review

§ 6085. Hearings; party status

§ 6086. Issuance of permit; conditions and criteria.

§ 6086a. Generators of radioactive waste

§ 6086b. Downtown development; findings

§ 6087. Denial of application

§ 6088. Burden of proof

§ 6089. Appeals

§ 6090. Recording; duration and revocation of permits

§ 6091. Renewals and nonuse

§ 6092. Construction

§ 6093. Mitigation of primary agricultural soils

§ 6101. Purpose

§ 6102. Definitions

§ 6103. Authority

§ 6104. Transportation impact fee; District Commission

§ 6105. Transportation Improvement District and fee; Agency of Transportation

§ 6106. Transportation impact fee; formula

§ 6107. Transportation Improvement District Fund

§ 6108. Payment of fees

§ 6109. Unspent fee amounts; refunds

§ 6110. Appeals

§ 6111. Rulemaking