§ 5963. Writ and complaint—justice ejectment
By the authority of the State of Vermont, you are hereby commanded to attach the goods, chattels, or estate of ......................... of .............................. , in the county of .............................. to the value of ................................... dollars, and ......................... notify thereof according to law, (and for want thereof take his or her body, if to be found within your precinct, and him or her safely keep so that you have him or her to appear before me) (and ................................... also notify to appear before me) at .............................. , on the ........................................ day of ......................... at ............... o’clock in the ...................... noon, then and there to answer to the complaint of .............................. of .............................. , in the county of .............................. .
For that the said defendant, .............................. , is in the possession of certain lands (and tenements) situated in the town of ........................................ , in the county of ................................... , described as follows: (insert a brief description) which lands (and tenements) the said defendant holds unlawfully and against the right of the plaintiff, as it is said.
To the damage of the plaintiff ........................................ dollars, to recover which and the quiet and peaceable possession of the premises, with just costs, the plaintiff brings this action.
Fail not, but service and return make according to law.
(Conclude as in § 5903.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
§ 5901. Forms prescribed; alterations
§ 5911. Forcible entry and detainer verdict
§ 5963. Writ and complaint—justice ejectment
§ 5967. Witness—subpoena for appearance before grand jury
§ 6002. Bailpiece—surety in jail bond taken on execution
§ 6003. Surety for person charged with being father of illegitimate child
§ 6005. Warrant—issued on bailpiece furnished to surety in jail bond
§ 6006. Request therefor for arrest of principal in relief of bail
§ 6007. Arrest of principal in relief of bail
§ 6008. Condition of jail bond
§ 6010. Commissioner’s certificate on admission to oath
§ 6041. Indictment—perjury before court or tribunal
§ 6042. Perjury before person or board authorized to examine witnesses
§ 6043. Perjury in swearing to material matter in relation to which oath is authorized
§ 6044. Presentments for intoxication, breach of peace, and tramping