§ 5913. Habeas corpus
Writ of Habeas Corpus
(Commencement as in § 5903.)
To the sheriff of .................. (or person having the custody of the prisoner,) (to be designated by his or her name or name of office) or to any sheriff in the State, or his or her deputy, (as the case may be)
By the authority of the State of Vermont, you are hereby commanded that the body of A. B. of ............................................. , in the prison in ............................................. , in the county of .................. , (or by you imprisoned and restrained of his or her liberty,) (as the case may be) together with the day and cause of his or her commitment (taking and detaining,) by whatsoever name the said A. B. shall be called or charged, you have forthwith before the .............................. court now sitting at, etc., or before me, at ........................................ (if issued by a Justice of the Supreme Court or a Superior judge) to do and receive what the said court shall then and there consider concerning him or her in this behalf, and have you have this writ.
(in case of imprisonment or detention by any person not an officer of this State, or of the courts of the United States, insert as follows) And you are hereby further commended to summon the said ........................................ (naming the person by whom such prisoner is restrained) to appear before said court or before me (as the case may be) at the time and place aforesaid, and show the cause, if any he or she have, of the taking and of detaining said A. B.
Dated at .............................. in the county of .................... , the .................... day of .............................. A.D. 20 ..........
Judge, etc., or Clerk.
Structure Vermont Statutes
§ 5901. Forms prescribed; alterations
§ 5911. Forcible entry and detainer verdict
§ 5963. Writ and complaint—justice ejectment
§ 5967. Witness—subpoena for appearance before grand jury
§ 6002. Bailpiece—surety in jail bond taken on execution
§ 6003. Surety for person charged with being father of illegitimate child
§ 6005. Warrant—issued on bailpiece furnished to surety in jail bond
§ 6006. Request therefor for arrest of principal in relief of bail
§ 6007. Arrest of principal in relief of bail
§ 6008. Condition of jail bond
§ 6010. Commissioner’s certificate on admission to oath
§ 6041. Indictment—perjury before court or tribunal
§ 6042. Perjury before person or board authorized to examine witnesses
§ 6043. Perjury in swearing to material matter in relation to which oath is authorized
§ 6044. Presentments for intoxication, breach of peace, and tramping