Vermont Statutes
Chapter 167 - Crime Victims
§ 5432. SANE Board

§ 5432. SANE Board
(a) The SANE Board is created for the purpose of advising the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners Program.
(b) The SANE Board shall be composed of the following members:
(1) the Executive Director of the Vermont State Nurses Association or designee;
(2) the President of the Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems;
(3) the Director of the Vermont Forensic Laboratory or designee;
(4) the Director of the Vermont Network Against Domestic and Sexual Violence or designee;
(5) an attorney with experience prosecuting sexual assault crimes, appointed by the Attorney General;
(6) the Executive Director of the Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services or designee;
(7) a law enforcement officer assigned to one of Vermont’s special units of investigation, appointed by the Commissioner of Public Safety;
(8) a law enforcement officer employed by a municipal police department, appointed by the Executive Director of the Vermont Criminal Justice Council;
(9) three sexual assault nurse examiners, appointed by the Attorney General;
(10) a health care provider as defined in 18 V.S.A. § 9402 whose practice includes the care of victims of sexual assault, appointed by the Commissioner of Health;
(11) a pediatrician whose practice includes the care of victims of sexual assault, appointed by the Vermont Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics;
(12) the Coordinator of the Vermont Victim Assistance Program or designee;
(13) the President of the Vermont Alliance of Child Advocacy Centers or designee;
(14) the Chair of the Vermont State Board of Nursing or designee;
(15) the Commissioner for Children and Families or designee; and
(16) the Commissioner of Health or designee.
(c) The SANE Board shall advise the SANE Program on the following:
(1) statewide program priorities;
(2) training and educational requirements;
(3) a standardized sexual assault protocol and kit to be used by all physicians and hospitals in this State when providing forensic examinations of victims of alleged sexual offenses; and
(4) statewide policy development related to sexual assault nurse examiner programs. (Added 2015, No. 38, § 12, eff. May 28, 2015; amended 2017, No. 68, § 1.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 13 - Crimes and Criminal Procedure

Chapter 167 - Crime Victims

§ 5351. Definitions

§ 5352. Victims Compensation Board

§ 5353. Application for compensation

§ 5354. Review of applications

§ 5355. Approval or rejection of application

§ 5356. Amount of compensation

§ 5357. Subrogation; lien; disposition of proceeds

§ 5358. Duties of law enforcement agency

§ 5358a. Application information; confidentiality

§ 5359. Victims Compensation Special Fund

§ 5360. Domestic and Sexual Violence Special Fund

§ 5361. Center for Crime Victim Services

§ 5362. Restitution Unit

§ 5363. Crime Victims’ Restitution Special Fund

§ 5364. Subrogation lien

§ 5365. Access to financial records

§ 5366. Delay in debt collection by health care provider

§ 5401. Definitions

§ 5402. Sex Offender Registry

§ 5403. Reporting to Department of Public Safety

§ 5404. Reporting upon release from confinement or supervision

§ 5405. Court determination of sexually violent predators

§ 5405a. Court determination of Sex Offender Registry requirements

§ 5406. Department of Corrections duty to provide notice

§ 5407. Sex offender’s responsibility to report

§ 5408. Record of addresses; arrest warrant

§ 5409. Penalties

§ 5410. Victim notification

§ 5411. Notification to local law enforcement and local community

§ 5411a. Electronic posting of the Sex Offender Registry

§ 5411a. Electronic posting of the Sex Offender Registry

§ 5411b. Designation of high-risk sex offender

§ 5411c. Active community notification by the Department of Public Safety, the Department of Corrections, and local law enforcement

§ 5411d. Designation of noncompliant high-risk sex offender

§ 5412. Immunity

§ 5413. Expungement of records

§ 5414. Participation in national sex offender registration

§ 5415. Enforcement; special investigation units

§ 5416. Persons subject to erroneous Sex Offender Registry requirements; petition to correct

§ 5421. Notice of profits from a crime

§ 5422. Actions to recover profits from a crime

§ 5431. Definition; certification

§ 5432. SANE Board

§ 5433. SANE Program Clinical Coordinator

§ 5435. Access to a sexual assault nurse examiner