Vermont Statutes
Chapter 167 - Crime Victims
§ 5360. Domestic and Sexual Violence Special Fund

§ 5360. Domestic and Sexual Violence Special Fund
A Domestic and Sexual Violence Special Fund is established, to be managed in accordance with 32 V.S.A. chapter 7, subchapter 5 and administered by the Center for Crime Victim Services created in section 5361 of this title. The revenues of the Fund shall consist of that portion of the additional surcharge on penalties and fines imposed by section 7282 of this title deposited in the Domestic and Sexual Violence Special Fund and that portion of the town clerks’ fee for issuing and recording civil marriage or civil union licenses in 32 V.S.A. § 1712(1) deposited in the Domestic and Sexual Violence Special Fund. The Fund may be expended by the Center for Crime Victim Services for budgeted grants to the Vermont Network against Domestic and Sexual Violence and for the Criminal Justice Training Council position dedicated to domestic violence training, pursuant to 20 V.S.A. § 2365(c). (Added 2011, No. 162 (Adj. Sess.), § E.220.1; amended 2015, No. 97 (Adj. Sess.), § 79.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 13 - Crimes and Criminal Procedure

Chapter 167 - Crime Victims

§ 5351. Definitions

§ 5352. Victims Compensation Board

§ 5353. Application for compensation

§ 5354. Review of applications

§ 5355. Approval or rejection of application

§ 5356. Amount of compensation

§ 5357. Subrogation; lien; disposition of proceeds

§ 5358. Duties of law enforcement agency

§ 5358a. Application information; confidentiality

§ 5359. Victims Compensation Special Fund

§ 5360. Domestic and Sexual Violence Special Fund

§ 5361. Center for Crime Victim Services

§ 5362. Restitution Unit

§ 5363. Crime Victims’ Restitution Special Fund

§ 5364. Subrogation lien

§ 5365. Access to financial records

§ 5366. Delay in debt collection by health care provider

§ 5401. Definitions

§ 5402. Sex Offender Registry

§ 5403. Reporting to Department of Public Safety

§ 5404. Reporting upon release from confinement or supervision

§ 5405. Court determination of sexually violent predators

§ 5405a. Court determination of Sex Offender Registry requirements

§ 5406. Department of Corrections duty to provide notice

§ 5407. Sex offender’s responsibility to report

§ 5408. Record of addresses; arrest warrant

§ 5409. Penalties

§ 5410. Victim notification

§ 5411. Notification to local law enforcement and local community

§ 5411a. Electronic posting of the Sex Offender Registry

§ 5411a. Electronic posting of the Sex Offender Registry

§ 5411b. Designation of high-risk sex offender

§ 5411c. Active community notification by the Department of Public Safety, the Department of Corrections, and local law enforcement

§ 5411d. Designation of noncompliant high-risk sex offender

§ 5412. Immunity

§ 5413. Expungement of records

§ 5414. Participation in national sex offender registration

§ 5415. Enforcement; special investigation units

§ 5416. Persons subject to erroneous Sex Offender Registry requirements; petition to correct

§ 5421. Notice of profits from a crime

§ 5422. Actions to recover profits from a crime

§ 5431. Definition; certification

§ 5432. SANE Board

§ 5433. SANE Program Clinical Coordinator

§ 5435. Access to a sexual assault nurse examiner