Vermont Statutes
Chapter 103 - Department of Fish and Wildlife
§ 4191. Game wardens, number, record

§ 4191. Game wardens, number, record
(a) The Commissioner, with the approval of the Governor, may employ a chief game warden and as many State game wardens as may be required for the proper enforcement of the fish and wildlife laws of the State. These officers shall be included in the classified service created in 3 V.S.A. chapter 13. These officers and deputy game wardens employed as herein provided shall be sworn to the faithful performance of their duties. The Commissioner may appoint and employ for a limited time as many deputy game wardens as deemed necessary. The number of game wardens shall be determined by the Commissioner with the approval of the Governor. A copy of the appointment and oath of office of each game warden and deputy shall be filed in the office of the Commissioner.
(b) While so employed, game wardens shall devote their entire time to the discharge of their duties and shall not be engaged in any other business without having first obtained permission to do so from the Commissioner. The Commissioner may grant permission if it appears that the outside employment will not render the warden unavailable during an emergency, will not physically or mentally exhaust the warden to the point that performance of duties might be affected, and will not require that any special consideration be given to scheduling of regular duty hours. (Added 1961, No. 119, § 1, eff. May 9, 1961; amended 1985, No. 101 (Adj. Sess.); 1991, No. 230 (Adj. Sess.), § 18.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 10 - Conservation and Development

Chapter 103 - Department of Fish and Wildlife

§ 4041. Department of Fish and Wildlife; Fish and Wildlife Board; members, term, chair

§ 4042. Commissioner; appointment

§ 4045. Cooperative fisheries projects

§ 4046. Cooperative wildlife projects

§ 4047. Department of Fish and Wildlife funds

§ 4047a. Raffles; Department authority

§ 4048. Nongame Wildlife Account; expenditures

§ 4049. Fish and Wildlife Trust Fund

§ 4049a. Green Mountain Conservation Camp Endowment Fund

§ 4049b. Green Mountain Conservation Camp Endowment Fund Committee

§ 4050. Watershed Management Account

§ 4081. Policy

§ 4082. Vermont Fish and Wildlife Regulations

§ 4083. Fish

§ 4084. Game

§ 4132. General duties of Commissioner

§ 4135. Finances, accounts

§ 4136. Propagation and distribution of fish and wild animals

§ 4137. Taking by U.S. Armed Forces

§ 4138. Control of fish, game; powers of Commissioner

§ 4139. Closed waters by agreement with owners of land

§ 4140. Closing waters during spawning

§ 4141. Public and private waters, powers as to; private preserve or propagation farm, filing notice of intent

§ 4142. Test waters; notices

§ 4143. Power to sell fish for stocking, other purposes

§ 4144. Acquisition of property by State, closed season

§ 4145. Access, landing area rules

§ 4146. Public shooting grounds; establishment

§ 4147. Fish and wildlife lands

§ 4148. Trespass on State property

§ 4149. State Ornithologist

§ 4150. Study of birds; dissemination of information

§ 4151. Bulletins regarding birds; lectures

§ 4152. Permits for scientific and educational collections

§ 4153. Lifetime license; award

§ 4191. Game wardens, number, record

§ 4192. Duties of deputy game wardens

§ 4193. Seizure; power to arrest

§ 4195. Power as to forest fires; payment

§ 4196. Instructions and meetings

§ 4197. Records and reports

§ 4198. Police powers; training; State game wardens; deputy game wardens

§ 4199. Reciprocal assistance agreements