Vermont Statutes
Chapter 103 - Department of Fish and Wildlife
§ 4046. Cooperative wildlife projects

§ 4046. Cooperative wildlife projects
(a) The State of Vermont hereby assents to the provisions of the act of Congress entitled “An act to provide the United States shall aid the states in wildlife restoration projects, and for other purposes,” approved September 2, 1937 (Public Law, No. 415, 75th Congress), and the Secretary is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to perform such acts as may be necessary to the conduct and establishment of cooperative wildlife restoration projects, as defined in said act of Congress, in compliance with said act and with rules and regulations promulgated by the U.S. Secretary of the Interior thereunder; and no funds accruing to the State of Vermont from license fees paid by hunters shall be diverted for any other purpose than the administration of the Department of Fish and Wildlife.
(b) The Secretary may form cooperative agreements with the U.S. Secretary of the Interior under section 6(c) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, Public Law 93-205, 16 U.S.C. § 1535(c), for the purpose of implementing chapter 123 of this title. Entry into any cooperative agreement shall not require the State to carry on any program in the event that federal funds are withdrawn or terminated.
(c) Any funds or in-kind services received by the State shall be administered by the Secretary. (Amended 1981, No. 188 (Adj. Sess.), § 3; 1983, No. 158 (Adj. Sess.), eff. April 13, 1984; 1991, No. 230 (Adj. Sess.), § 3.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 10 - Conservation and Development

Chapter 103 - Department of Fish and Wildlife

§ 4041. Department of Fish and Wildlife; Fish and Wildlife Board; members, term, chair

§ 4042. Commissioner; appointment

§ 4045. Cooperative fisheries projects

§ 4046. Cooperative wildlife projects

§ 4047. Department of Fish and Wildlife funds

§ 4047a. Raffles; Department authority

§ 4048. Nongame Wildlife Account; expenditures

§ 4049. Fish and Wildlife Trust Fund

§ 4049a. Green Mountain Conservation Camp Endowment Fund

§ 4049b. Green Mountain Conservation Camp Endowment Fund Committee

§ 4050. Watershed Management Account

§ 4081. Policy

§ 4082. Vermont Fish and Wildlife Regulations

§ 4083. Fish

§ 4084. Game

§ 4132. General duties of Commissioner

§ 4135. Finances, accounts

§ 4136. Propagation and distribution of fish and wild animals

§ 4137. Taking by U.S. Armed Forces

§ 4138. Control of fish, game; powers of Commissioner

§ 4139. Closed waters by agreement with owners of land

§ 4140. Closing waters during spawning

§ 4141. Public and private waters, powers as to; private preserve or propagation farm, filing notice of intent

§ 4142. Test waters; notices

§ 4143. Power to sell fish for stocking, other purposes

§ 4144. Acquisition of property by State, closed season

§ 4145. Access, landing area rules

§ 4146. Public shooting grounds; establishment

§ 4147. Fish and wildlife lands

§ 4148. Trespass on State property

§ 4149. State Ornithologist

§ 4150. Study of birds; dissemination of information

§ 4151. Bulletins regarding birds; lectures

§ 4152. Permits for scientific and educational collections

§ 4153. Lifetime license; award

§ 4191. Game wardens, number, record

§ 4192. Duties of deputy game wardens

§ 4193. Seizure; power to arrest

§ 4195. Power as to forest fires; payment

§ 4196. Instructions and meetings

§ 4197. Records and reports

§ 4198. Police powers; training; State game wardens; deputy game wardens

§ 4199. Reciprocal assistance agreements