§ 3958. Return after court adjourns; procedure
When the court to which the writ is returnable adjourns before it is returned, the return shall be made before one of the Justices of the Supreme Court. If the writ is in any case returned before one Justice or judge when the court is in session, he or she may adjourn the case into the court, to be there heard and determined as if the writ had been returned into the same court.
Structure Vermont Statutes
§ 3952. Prisoners entitled to writ of habeas corpus
§ 3953. Authority to grant writ; complaint
§ 3954. Copy of process annexed to complaint
§ 3955. Complaint to be sworn to
§ 3956. Issue and return of writ
§ 3958. Return after court adjourns; procedure
§ 3959. Designation of person to be served
§ 3960. Designation of prisoner
§ 3961. Pay for transporting prisoner
§ 3962. When a person to be served is not an officer
§ 3963. Receipt and return of writ; notice to State’s Attorney or Attorney General
§ 3964. Return of statement as to custody and authority
§ 3965. Return to be signed and sworn to; exception
§ 3966. Prisoner brought unless sick
§ 3967. Examination in case of sick prisoner
§ 3968. Examination; time; adjournment
§ 3970. Prisoner charged with crime, notice to State’s Attorney
§ 3972. Discharge; decision and record
§ 3975. Custody pending judgment
§ 3976. Refusal to receive or obey and execute writ—Contempt proceedings
§ 3977. Precept to another officer or person
§ 3978. Penalty for not executing writ
§ 3979. Confinement for contempt—Issuance and return of writ
§ 3980. Discharge of person confined for contempt
§ 3982. Penalty for attempting to elude service
§ 3983. Recovery of penalty not bar to further suit
§ 3984. Imprisonment for same cause after discharge
§ 3985. Habeas corpus to bring respondent or witness into court