§ 3952. Prisoners entitled to writ of habeas corpus
A person imprisoned in a common jail, or the liberties thereof, or otherwise restrained of his or her liberty by an officer or other person, may prosecute a writ of habeas corpus to inquire into the cause of such imprisonment or restraint, and obtain relief therefrom if it is unlawful.
Structure Vermont Statutes
§ 3952. Prisoners entitled to writ of habeas corpus
§ 3953. Authority to grant writ; complaint
§ 3954. Copy of process annexed to complaint
§ 3955. Complaint to be sworn to
§ 3956. Issue and return of writ
§ 3958. Return after court adjourns; procedure
§ 3959. Designation of person to be served
§ 3960. Designation of prisoner
§ 3961. Pay for transporting prisoner
§ 3962. When a person to be served is not an officer
§ 3963. Receipt and return of writ; notice to State’s Attorney or Attorney General
§ 3964. Return of statement as to custody and authority
§ 3965. Return to be signed and sworn to; exception
§ 3966. Prisoner brought unless sick
§ 3967. Examination in case of sick prisoner
§ 3968. Examination; time; adjournment
§ 3970. Prisoner charged with crime, notice to State’s Attorney
§ 3972. Discharge; decision and record
§ 3975. Custody pending judgment
§ 3976. Refusal to receive or obey and execute writ—Contempt proceedings
§ 3977. Precept to another officer or person
§ 3978. Penalty for not executing writ
§ 3979. Confinement for contempt—Issuance and return of writ
§ 3980. Discharge of person confined for contempt
§ 3982. Penalty for attempting to elude service
§ 3983. Recovery of penalty not bar to further suit
§ 3984. Imprisonment for same cause after discharge
§ 3985. Habeas corpus to bring respondent or witness into court