Vermont Statutes
Chapter 123 - Attachment of Property
§ 3293. Discharge of attachment lien

§ 3293. Discharge of attachment lien
(a) When an attachment or sequestration of real estate is made in an action at law, such real estate shall be discharged from such attachment lien and the party in whose favor the attachment or sequestration is made, his or her legal representative or attorney of record in the action shall discharge such attachment upon the record of attachment in the town clerk’s office, under any one of the following conditions:
(1) when the action is discontinued or the demand on which it is founded is satisfied;
(2) when the original writ or process is not returned to the court issuing the same within the time designated by such writ or process;
(3) when final judgment is entered in such cause and the docket entries or court records of proceedings in such cause do not show that execution was issued therein within the time the attached property is held to respond to the judgment rendered thereon;
(4) when execution has issued in such cause and returned with officer’s return thereon that the execution is satisfied; or
(5) if such execution is not returned to the court issuing the same within two years from the date of issue as determined by the docket entries or court records, provided that service is not stayed by order or decree of any court or by operation of law.
(b) If such attachment or sequestration is not discharged of record as above provided, any person having any title in or lien on such property may obtain from the court to which the original writ or process was made returnable, a certificate stating therein the fulfillment of any one of the conditions set forth above, and may file such certificate in the town or city clerk’s office in the town or city where such attachment was made. Such clerk shall thereupon discharge such attachment as follows:
“Discharged by the town (city) clerk per court’s certificate on file.”
(c) [Repealed.]
(d) A clerk discharging an attachment as herein authorized shall receive a fee of $4.00. (Amended 1971, No. 84, § 7, eff. July 1, 1971; 1973, No. 249 (Adj. Sess.), § 111, eff. April 9, 1974; 1979, No. 161 (Adj. Sess.), § 12; 1993, No. 170 (Adj. Sess.), § 10.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 12 - Court Procedure

Chapter 123 - Attachment of Property

§ 3251. Attachment or levy of execution by filing

§ 3252. Recording by clerk

§ 3255. Taking possession with or without filing

§ 3256. Custody of attached property; penalties

§ 3257. Buildings erected by mortgagor or lessee

§ 3291. Service of copies of attachment

§ 3292. Recording by town or Superior clerk

§ 3293. Discharge of attachment lien

§ 3294. Liability for refusal to discharge attachment lien

§ 3295. Attachment of real estate and personal property

§ 3331. Subsequent attaching creditors of real or personal property permitted to defend

§ 3332. Admissions of defendant

§ 3333. Costs when plaintiff recovers in full

§ 3334. Costs when plaintiff recovers in part

§ 3351. Attachment, taking in execution, and sale

§ 3352. Statement of secured debt

§ 3353. Payment of debt if due

§ 3354. Payment of debt becoming due before sale

§ 3355. Payment of debt not due

§ 3356. Subrogation of creditor by payment

§ 3357. Sale of property subject to mortgage, pledge, or lien

§ 3358. Subrogation of purchaser

§ 3359. Property subject to conditional sales contract—Attachment and execution

§ 3360. Proceeds of sale

§ 3361. Defense in action by vendor

§ 3362. Mortgagee taking possession; foreclosure of mortgage, pledge, or lien

§ 3363. Property in hands of bailee—Taking of reversionary interest of lessor, bailor, pledgor, or other owner

§ 3364. Service of process on person holding property

§ 3365. Sale of reversionary interest

§ 3401. Sale by consent of parties

§ 3402. Attachment after advertisement

§ 3403. Perishable property—Notice of sale; appraisers

§ 3404. Duties of appraisers; sale

§ 3405. Return of sale

§ 3406. Delivery of property to defendant on giving security

§ 3407. Officer to account for appraised value

§ 3408. Sale after return of process

§ 3409. Officer’s return

§ 3410. Deposit or investment of proceeds