§ 3256. Custody of attached property; penalties
When an officer has attached personal property and taken it into his or her custody and chained, locked, or otherwise secured the same, a person, except another officer duly authorized, shall not interfere with the first named officer’s custody of such property. A person who violates the provisions of this section shall be fined not more than $100.00 or be imprisoned not more than 60 days, or both.
Structure Vermont Statutes
Chapter 123 - Attachment of Property
§ 3251. Attachment or levy of execution by filing
§ 3255. Taking possession with or without filing
§ 3256. Custody of attached property; penalties
§ 3257. Buildings erected by mortgagor or lessee
§ 3291. Service of copies of attachment
§ 3292. Recording by town or Superior clerk
§ 3293. Discharge of attachment lien
§ 3294. Liability for refusal to discharge attachment lien
§ 3295. Attachment of real estate and personal property
§ 3331. Subsequent attaching creditors of real or personal property permitted to defend
§ 3332. Admissions of defendant
§ 3333. Costs when plaintiff recovers in full
§ 3334. Costs when plaintiff recovers in part
§ 3351. Attachment, taking in execution, and sale
§ 3352. Statement of secured debt
§ 3353. Payment of debt if due
§ 3354. Payment of debt becoming due before sale
§ 3355. Payment of debt not due
§ 3356. Subrogation of creditor by payment
§ 3357. Sale of property subject to mortgage, pledge, or lien
§ 3358. Subrogation of purchaser
§ 3359. Property subject to conditional sales contract—Attachment and execution
§ 3361. Defense in action by vendor
§ 3362. Mortgagee taking possession; foreclosure of mortgage, pledge, or lien
§ 3364. Service of process on person holding property
§ 3365. Sale of reversionary interest
§ 3401. Sale by consent of parties
§ 3402. Attachment after advertisement
§ 3403. Perishable property—Notice of sale; appraisers
§ 3404. Duties of appraisers; sale
§ 3406. Delivery of property to defendant on giving security
§ 3407. Officer to account for appraised value