Vermont Statutes
Chapter 22 - Partnerships
§ 3244. Partner’s transferable interest subject to charging order

§ 3244. Partner’s transferable interest subject to charging order
(a) On application by a judgment creditor of a partner or of a partner’s transferee, a court having jurisdiction may charge the transferable interest of the judgment debtor to satisfy the judgment. The court may appoint a receiver of the share of the distributions due or to become due to the judgment debtor in respect of the partnership and make all other orders, directions, accounts, and inquiries the judgment debtor might have made or which the circumstances of the case may require.
(b) A charging order constitutes a lien on the judgment debtor’s transferable interest in the partnership. The court may order a foreclosure of the interest subject to the charging order at any time. The purchaser at the foreclosure sale has the rights of a transferee.
(c) At any time before foreclosure, an interest charged may be redeemed:
(1) by the judgment debtor;
(2) with property other than partnership property, by one or more of the other partners; or
(3) with partnership property, by one or more of the other partners with the consent of all of the partners whose interests are not so charged.
(d) This chapter does not deprive a partner of a right under exemption laws with respect to the partner’s interest in the partnership.
(e) This section provides the exclusive remedy, except as provided in 9 V.S.A chapter 57, by which a judgment creditor of a partner or partner’s transferee may satisfy a judgment out of the judgment debtor’s transferable interest in the partnership. (Added 1997, No. 149 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1999.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 11 - Corporations, Partnerships and Associations

Chapter 22 - Partnerships

§ 3201. Definitions

§ 3202. Knowledge and notice

§ 3203. Effect of partnership agreement; nonwaivable provisions

§ 3204. Supplemental principles of law

§ 3205. Execution, filing, and recording of statements

§ 3206. Governing law

§ 3207. Partnership subject to amendment or repeal of chapter

§ 3211. Partnership as entity

§ 3212. Formation of partnership

§ 3213. Partnership property

§ 3214. When property is partnership property

§ 3221. Partner agent of partnership

§ 3222. Transfer of partnership property

§ 3223. Statement of partnership authority

§ 3224. Statement of denial

§ 3225. Partnership liable for partner’s actionable conduct

§ 3226. Partner’s liability

§ 3227. Actions by and against partnership and partners

§ 3228. Liability of purported partner

§ 3231. Partner’s rights and duties

§ 3232. Distributions in kind

§ 3233. Partner’s rights and duties with respect to information

§ 3234. General standards of partner’s conduct

§ 3235. Actions by partnership and partners

§ 3236. Continuation of partnership beyond definite term or particular undertaking

§ 3241. Partner not co-owner of partnership property

§ 3242. Partner’s transferable interest in partnership

§ 3243. Transfer of partner’s transferable interest

§ 3244. Partner’s transferable interest subject to charging order

§ 3251. Events causing partner’s dissociation

§ 3252. Partner’s power to dissociate; wrongful dissociation

§ 3253. Effect of partner’s dissociation

§ 3261. Purchase of dissociated partner’s interest

§ 3262. Dissociated partner’s power to bind and liability to partnership

§ 3263. Dissociated partner’s liability to other persons

§ 3264. Statement of dissociation

§ 3265. Continued use of partnership name

§ 3271. Events causing dissolution and winding up of partnership business

§ 3272. Partnership continues after dissolution

§ 3273. Right to wind up partnership business

§ 3274. Partner’s power to bind partnership after dissolution

§ 3275. Statement of dissolution

§ 3276. Partner’s liability to other partners after dissolution

§ 3277. Settlement of accounts and contributions among partners

§ 3281. Definitions

§ 3282. Conversion of partnership to limited partnership

§ 3283. Conversion of limited partnership to partnership

§ 3284. Effect of conversion; entity unchanged

§ 3285. Merger of partnerships

§ 3286. Effect of merger

§ 3287. Statement of merger

§ 3288. Nonexclusive

§ 3291. Statement of qualification

§ 3292. Name

§ 3293. Annual report

§ 3301. Law governing foreign limited liability partnership

§ 3302. Statement of foreign qualification

§ 3303. Effect of failure to qualify

§ 3304. Activities not constituting transacting business

§ 3305. Action by Attorney General

§ 3310. Fees

§ 3311. Uniformity of application and construction

§ 3312. Applicability

§ 3313. Savings clause