Vermont Statutes
Chapter 22 - Partnerships
§ 3212. Formation of partnership

§ 3212. Formation of partnership
(a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this section, the association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners a business for profit forms a partnership, whether or not the persons intend to form a partnership.
(b) An association formed under a statute other than this chapter, a predecessor statute, or a comparable statute of another jurisdiction is not a partnership under this chapter except that a statute of another jurisdiction relating to the formation of partnerships or limited liability partnerships shall be deemed to be a comparable statute.
(c) In determining whether a partnership is formed, the following rules apply:
(1) Joint tenancy, tenancy in common, tenancy by the entireties, joint property, common property, or part ownership does not by itself establish a partnership, even if the co-owners share profits made by the use of the property.
(2) The sharing of gross returns does not by itself establish a partnership, even if the persons sharing them have a joint or common right or interest in property from which the returns are derived.
(3) A person who receives a share of the profits of a business is presumed to be a partner in the business, unless the profits were received in payment:
(A) of a debt by installments or otherwise;
(B) for services as an independent contractor or of wages or other compensation to an employee;
(C) of rent;
(D) of an annuity or other retirement or health benefit to a beneficiary, representative, or designee of a deceased or retired partner;
(E) of interest or other charge on a loan, even if the amount of payment varies with the profits of the business, including a direct or indirect present or future ownership of the collateral, or rights to income, proceeds, or increase in value derived from the collateral; or
(F) for the sale of the goodwill of a business or other property by installments or otherwise. (Added 1997, No. 149 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1999.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 11 - Corporations, Partnerships and Associations

Chapter 22 - Partnerships

§ 3201. Definitions

§ 3202. Knowledge and notice

§ 3203. Effect of partnership agreement; nonwaivable provisions

§ 3204. Supplemental principles of law

§ 3205. Execution, filing, and recording of statements

§ 3206. Governing law

§ 3207. Partnership subject to amendment or repeal of chapter

§ 3211. Partnership as entity

§ 3212. Formation of partnership

§ 3213. Partnership property

§ 3214. When property is partnership property

§ 3221. Partner agent of partnership

§ 3222. Transfer of partnership property

§ 3223. Statement of partnership authority

§ 3224. Statement of denial

§ 3225. Partnership liable for partner’s actionable conduct

§ 3226. Partner’s liability

§ 3227. Actions by and against partnership and partners

§ 3228. Liability of purported partner

§ 3231. Partner’s rights and duties

§ 3232. Distributions in kind

§ 3233. Partner’s rights and duties with respect to information

§ 3234. General standards of partner’s conduct

§ 3235. Actions by partnership and partners

§ 3236. Continuation of partnership beyond definite term or particular undertaking

§ 3241. Partner not co-owner of partnership property

§ 3242. Partner’s transferable interest in partnership

§ 3243. Transfer of partner’s transferable interest

§ 3244. Partner’s transferable interest subject to charging order

§ 3251. Events causing partner’s dissociation

§ 3252. Partner’s power to dissociate; wrongful dissociation

§ 3253. Effect of partner’s dissociation

§ 3261. Purchase of dissociated partner’s interest

§ 3262. Dissociated partner’s power to bind and liability to partnership

§ 3263. Dissociated partner’s liability to other persons

§ 3264. Statement of dissociation

§ 3265. Continued use of partnership name

§ 3271. Events causing dissolution and winding up of partnership business

§ 3272. Partnership continues after dissolution

§ 3273. Right to wind up partnership business

§ 3274. Partner’s power to bind partnership after dissolution

§ 3275. Statement of dissolution

§ 3276. Partner’s liability to other partners after dissolution

§ 3277. Settlement of accounts and contributions among partners

§ 3281. Definitions

§ 3282. Conversion of partnership to limited partnership

§ 3283. Conversion of limited partnership to partnership

§ 3284. Effect of conversion; entity unchanged

§ 3285. Merger of partnerships

§ 3286. Effect of merger

§ 3287. Statement of merger

§ 3288. Nonexclusive

§ 3291. Statement of qualification

§ 3292. Name

§ 3293. Annual report

§ 3301. Law governing foreign limited liability partnership

§ 3302. Statement of foreign qualification

§ 3303. Effect of failure to qualify

§ 3304. Activities not constituting transacting business

§ 3305. Action by Attorney General

§ 3310. Fees

§ 3311. Uniformity of application and construction

§ 3312. Applicability

§ 3313. Savings clause