Vermont Statutes
Chapter 62 - Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors
§ 3239. Unprofessional conduct

§ 3239. Unprofessional conduct
The following conduct and the conduct set forth in 3 V.S.A. § 129a, by a person authorized to provide alcohol and drug abuse services under this chapter or an applicant for licensure or certification, constitutes unprofessional conduct:
(1) violation of any provision of this chapter or rule adopted under this chapter;
(2) failing to use a complete title in professional activity;
(3) conduct that evidences moral unfitness to practice alcohol and drug abuse counseling;
(4) negligent, incompetent, or wrongful conduct in the practice of alcohol and drug abuse counseling; or
(5) harassing, intimidating, or abusing a client.
(6) [Repealed.] (Added 2013, No. 131 (Adj. Sess.), § 129, eff. May 20, 2014; amended 2015, No. 156 (Adj. Sess.), § 4, eff. Sept. 1, 2016.)