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§ 3231. Definitions - § 3231. Definitions As used in this chapter: (1) “Alcohol...
§ 3232. Prohibition; penalties - § 3232. Prohibition; penalties (a) A person shall not perform...
§ 3233. Exemptions - § 3233. Exemptions The provisions of subdivision 3232(a)(1) of this...
§ 3234. Coordination of practice acts - § 3234. Coordination of practice acts Notwithstanding any provision of...
§ 3235. Director; duties - § 3235. Director; duties (a) In addition to the authority...
§ 3235a. Advisor appointees - § 3235a. Advisor appointees (a) The Secretary of State shall...
§ 3236. Licensed alcohol and drug abuse counselor eligibility - § 3236. Licensed alcohol and drug abuse counselor eligibility (a)...
§ 3236a. Certification of apprentice addiction professionals and alcohol and drug abuse counselors - § 3236a. Certification of apprentice addiction professionals and alcohol and...
§ 3236b. Licensure or certification by endorsement - § 3236b. Licensure or certification by endorsement The Director may...
§ 3238. Biennial renewals - § 3238. Biennial renewals (a) Licenses and certifications shall be...
§ 3239. Unprofessional conduct - § 3239. Unprofessional conduct The following conduct and the conduct...
§ 3241. Fees - § 3241. Fees In addition to the fees otherwise authorized...
§ 3242. Medicaid participating providers - § 3242. Medicaid participating providers (a) The Department of Vermont...