§ 2700. Coal, coke, and charcoal
All coal, coke, and charcoal shall be sold by weight. Unless the fuel is delivered to the purchaser in package form, each delivery of coal, coke, or charcoal to an individual purchaser shall be accompanied by duplicate delivery tickets on which, in ink or other indelible substance, there shall be clearly stated (1) the name and address of the vendor, (2) the name and address of the purchaser, and (3) the net weight of the delivery and the gross and tare weights from which the net weight is computed, each expressed in pounds. One of these tickets shall be retained by the vendor and the other shall be delivered to the purchaser at the time of delivery of the fuel, or shall be surrendered, on demand, to the Secretary, or an inspector, who, if he or she desires to retain it as evidence, shall issue a weight slip in lieu thereof for delivery to the purchaser. However, if the purchaser carries away his or her purchase, the vendor shall be required only to give to the purchaser at the time of sale a delivery ticket stating the number of pounds of fuel delivered to him or her. If necessary to wet down coal and coke, this shall be done only after coal is weighed according to this section. (Added 1967, No. 102, § 34, eff. April 14, 1967; amended 1991, No. 227 (Adj. Sess.), § 7.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
Chapter 73 - Weights and Measures
§ 2631. Regulation of weights and measures
§ 2632. General powers and duties of Secretary
§ 2633. Specific powers and duties of Secretary; regulations
§ 2634. Testing at State-supported institutions
§ 2637. Inspection of packages
§ 2638. Stop-use, stop-removal, and removal orders
§ 2639. Disposition of correct and incorrect apparatus
§ 2640. Police powers; right of entry and stoppage
§ 2641. Powers and duties of inspector
§ 2642. Duty of owners of incorrect apparatus
§ 2643. Licenses; inspections; penalties
§ 2652. Systems of weights and measures
§ 2653. State standards of weight and measure
§ 2654. Field standards and equipment
§ 2655. Construction of contracts
§ 2671. Method of sale of commodities; general
§ 2672. Packages, declarations of quantity and origin; variations; exemptions
§ 2673. Declarations of unit price on random packages
§ 2675. Advertising packages for sale
§ 2677. Misrepresentation of price
§ 2691. Meat, poultry, and seafood
§ 2693. Log measure—The Vermont rule
§ 2696. Flour, corn meal, and hominy grits
§ 2697a. Motor fuel octane content and quality
§ 2699. Berries and small fruits
§ 2700. Coal, coke, and charcoal
§ 2721. Licensed public weighmaster—license
§ 2723. Suspension and revocation of license
§ 2726. Suspension or revocation of certificate
§ 2727. Placed in service report
§ 2728. Disposition of condemned devices
§ 2729. Calibration of testing equipment; certificate
§ 2730. Licensing for operation of weighing and measuring devices
§ 2741. Weight certificate; required entries
§ 2742. Execution; requirements
§ 2743. Scale used; type; test
§ 2744. Capacity; platform size; one-draft weighing
§ 2745. Copies of weight certificates
§ 2747. Reciprocal acceptance of weight certificates
§ 2761. Offenses and penalties
§ 2762. Hindering or obstructing officer
§ 2763. Impersonation of officer
§ 2764. Incorrect weight certificates
§ 2766. Replacement of security seal; improper handling of weighing or measuring device
§ 2768. Validity of prosecutions