Vermont Statutes
Chapter 51 - Conduct of Elections
§ 2543a. Provision of secure ballot drop boxes

§ 2543a. Provision of secure ballot drop boxes
(a) A board of civil authority may vote to install one or more secure outdoor ballot drop boxes (drop boxes) for the return of voted ballots.
(b) Drop boxes shall be located on municipal property. If a town has only one drop box, it shall be located on the property of the municipal clerk’s office.
(c) Drop boxes shall allow for the return of ballots by voters at any time of day and must be available for the return of ballots not later than 43 days before the election.
(d) Drop boxes shall be installed and maintained in accordance with guidance issued by the Secretary of State’s office. At a minimum, drop boxes shall:
(1) be affixed to a foundation or other immovable object such that they cannot be removed without being tampered with;
(2) be under 24-hour video surveillance or in the alternative be within sight of the municipal building;
(3) be constructed in such a manner that it is impossible to remove the ballots without the ballot box being tampered with; and
(4) be able to be closed such that ballots may not be deposited once the deadline for deposit has passed.
(e)(1) Ballots may be deposited in the drop boxes until the close of business on the day before the election. At the close of business, the drop box shall be closed and instructions affixed to the drop box instructing the voter to return the voter’s voted ballot to the polling place on the day of the election.
(2) Notwithstanding subdivision (1) of this subsection, a board of civil authority may vote to allow ballots to be deposited in the drop boxes until not later than the closing of the polls on election day.
(f) The Secretary of State’s office shall provide drop boxes to a town or city upon request following a vote of the board of civil authority. The maximum number of drop boxes that the Secretary of State’s office shall provide in any town or city shall be as follows:
(1) up to 5,000 registered voters, one;
(2) between 5,000 and 10,000 registered voters, two;
(3) between 10,000 and 15,000 registered voters, three;
(4) between 15,000 and 20,000 registered voters, four; and
(5) over 20,000 registered voters, five.
(6) A town or city may have a number of secure drop boxes equal to the number of representative districts in that town or city, with one drop box located in each district, if that number is greater than the number allowed based on that town or city’s number of registered voters in subdivisions (1)-(5) of this subsection. If there is not suitable municipal property for the location of a secure drop box in the area covered by a certain district in the town or city, an alternative location may be used with the approval of the Secretary of State’s office. (Added 2021, No. 60, § 11, eff. June 7, 2021.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 17 - Elections

Chapter 51 - Conduct of Elections

§ 2451. Board of civil authority

§ 2452. Presiding officer

§ 2453. Duties of presiding officer

§ 2454. Assistant election officers

§ 2455. Election officials; duties; political party representation

§ 2456. Disqualifications

§ 2457. Workshops and information for election officials

§ 2458. Complaint procedure

§ 2471. General election ballot

§ 2472. Contents

§ 2473. Provisions relative to presidential election

§ 2474. Choice of party

§ 2475. Death or withdrawal of candidate

§ 2478. Number of paper ballots to be printed and furnished

§ 2479. Manner of distribution

§ 2480. Substitute ballots

§ 2481. Printed ballots required

§ 2491. Political subdivision; vote tabulators

§ 2493. Rules for use of vote tabulators; audits

§ 2494. Construction with other laws

§ 2499. Transfer of paper ballots from vote tabulators

§ 2501. Determining districts

§ 2502. Location of polling places; outdoor polling places

§ 2504. Voting booths

§ 2505. Guardrail

§ 2506. Ballot boxes; signs for depositing ballots

§ 2507. Distribution of checklists

§ 2508. Campaigning during polling hours; voter access

§ 2521. Warnings and notices

§ 2522. Sample ballots

§ 2523. Posting at polling place on election day

§ 2531. Application for early voter absentee ballot

§ 2532. Authorized applicants; application form; duplicates

§ 2532a. Mobile polling stations

§ 2533. Notification of invalid application

§ 2534. List of early or absentee voters

§ 2535. Form of early voter absentee ballots and envelopes; federal or military requirements

§ 2536. Furnishing early voter absentee ballot envelopes

§ 2537. Early or absentee voting in the town clerk’s office

§ 2537a. Mailing of general election ballots

§ 2538. Delivery of ballots by justices of the peace

§ 2539. Delivery of early voter absentee ballots

§ 2540. Instructions to be sent with ballots

§ 2541. Marking of ballots

§ 2542. Signing certificate

§ 2543. Return of ballots

§ 2543a. Provision of secure ballot drop boxes

§ 2546. Receipt of ballots by clerk; voter status; opportunity to cure; processing absentee ballots

§ 2546a. Deposit of early voter absentee ballots in vote tabulator

§ 2546b. Early voting in town clerk’s office; deposit into vote tabulator

§ 2547. Defective ballots

§ 2548. Voting in person

§ 2549. Use of federal war ballot

§ 2550. Early or absentee voters deemed “present and voting”

§ 2555. Provisional ballot envelopes

§ 2556. Provisional voting

§ 2557. Town clerk approval of provisional voter attestation

§ 2561. Hours of voting; extended hours

§ 2562. Presiding officer to assign duties to election officials

§ 2563. Admitting voter

§ 2564. Challenges

§ 2565. Delivery of ballots

§ 2566. Marking ballots

§ 2567. Voting systems for voters with disabilities

§ 2568. Removing ballots from polling place; replacement and unused ballots

§ 2569. Assistance to voter

§ 2570. Depositing ballots

§ 2571. Checking voter’s name upon leaving

§ 2572. Viewing of the checklist

§ 2573. No counting before polls close

§ 2581. Closing polls

§ 2582. Presiding officer to direct count; transporting ballots or checklist

§ 2583. Official checklist to be tallied; storage of checklist

§ 2584. Opening of ballot boxes; distribution of ballots

§ 2585. Ballots not to be written upon

§ 2586. Tally sheets; summary sheets; returns

§ 2587. Rules for counting votes

§ 2588. Filing returns

§ 2589. Identifying ballots

§ 2590. Securing and storing ballots, tally sheets, and checklists

§ 2591. Return not received

§ 2592. Canvassing committees; canvass of votes in general or special elections

§ 2593. Participation to be entered on statewide checklist by town clerk

§ 2601. Recount threshold

§ 2602. Petitions for recounts; setting date of recount

§ 2602a. Appointment of recount committee

§ 2602b. Assignment of duties; recount materials

§ 2602c. Preparation for recount; general rules

§ 2602d. Review of official return of votes; examination of checklist

§ 2602e. Sorting ballots; ballot review; recount of removed ballots by hand

§ 2602f. Recount of remaining ballots by vote tabulator

§ 2602h. Completing the tally

§ 2602i. Costs

§ 2602j. Court hearing and judgment

§ 2602k. Recount ties

§ 2602m. Storage and return of election materials

§ 2603. Contest of elections

§ 2605. House of Representatives

§ 2606. Senate

§ 2607. Canvassing committee

§ 2616. Jurisdiction to prosecute criminal offenses

§ 2617. Jurisdiction of Superior Courts