Vermont Statutes
Chapter 5 - State Policy; Plans; Jurisdiction and Regulatory Authority of Commission and Department
§ 248b. Fees; Agency of Natural Resources; participation in siting proceedings

§ 248b. Fees; Agency of Natural Resources; participation in siting proceedings
(a) Establishment. This section establishes fees for the purpose of supporting the role of the Agency of Natural Resources (the Agency) in reviewing applications for in-state facilities under sections 248 and 248a of this title.
(b) Payment. The applicant shall pay the fee into the State Treasury at the time the application for a certificate of public good is filed with the Public Utility Commission in an amount calculated in accordance with this section. The fee shall be deposited into the Natural Resources Management Fund and allocated to the Agency.
(c) Definitions. In this section:
(1) “kW,” “MW,” and “plant capacity” shall have the same meaning as in section 8002 of this title.
(2) “Natural gas facility” shall have the same meaning as in section 248 of this title.
(3) “Telecommunications facility” shall have the same meaning as in section 248a of this title.
(d) Electric and natural gas facilities. This subsection sets fees for applications under section 248 of this title.
(1) There shall be no fee for an electric generation facility less than or equal to 50 kW in plant capacity, for roof-mounted photovoltaic systems of any capacity up to and including 500 kW, or for an application filed under subsection 248(k), (l), or (n) of this title.
(2) The fee for electric generation facilities greater than 50 kW through five MW in plant capacity shall be calculated as follows, except that in no event shall the fee exceed $15,000.00:
(A) An electric generation facility from 51 kW through 139 kW in plant capacity, $2.00 per kW.
(B) An electric generation facility from 140 kW through 450 kW in plant capacity, $3.00 per kW.
(C) An electric generation facility from 451 kW through 2.2 MW in plant capacity, $4.00 per kW.
(D) An electric generation facility from 2.201 MW through five MW in plant capacity, $5.00 per kW.
(3) The fee shall be equal to $2.50 for each $1,000.00 of construction costs, but in no event greater than $100,000.00 per application, for a new electric generation facility greater than five MW in capacity, and for a new electric transmission facility or new natural gas facility not eligible for treatment under subsection 248(j) of this title.
(4) The fee shall be $2,500.00 for an application under subsection 248(j) of this title for a facility that is not electric generation and for an application or that portion of an application under section 248 of this title that consists of upgrading an existing facility within its existing development footprint, reconductoring of an electric transmission line on an existing structure, or the addition of an electric transmission line to an existing structure.
(e) Telecommunications facilities. For an application under section 248a of this title proposing a wireless telecommunications facility that includes a new support structure, the fee shall be equal to $2.50 for each $1,000.00 of construction costs, but in no event greater than $15,000.00.
(f) Exercise of duties. The Agency of Natural Resources shall exercise its duties under this title in a manner consistent with implementation of State policy and goals under sections 202a and 202c and chapter 89 of this title. In exercising its duties, the Agency shall establish procedures and work flow goals for the timely review of applications under sections 248 and 248a of this title. On or before the third Tuesday of each annual legislative session, the Agency shall submit a report to the General Assembly by electronic submission. The provisions of 2 V.S.A. § 20(d) (expiration of required reports) shall not apply to this report. The report shall: list the fees collected under this section during the preceding fiscal year; discuss the Agency’s performance in exercising its duties under this title during that year; identify areas that hinder the Agency’s effective performance of these duties and summarize changes made to improve such performance; and, with respect to the Agency’s exercise of these duties, discuss the Agency’s staffing needs during the coming fiscal year and the future goals and objectives of the Agency. (Added 2015, No. 57, § 17; amended 2017, No. 163 (Adj. Sess.), § 2.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 30 - Public Service

Chapter 5 - State Policy; Plans; Jurisdiction and Regulatory Authority of Commission and Department

§ 201. Definitions

§ 202. Electrical energy planning

§ 202a. State energy policy

§ 202b. State Comprehensive Energy Plan

§ 202c. State telecommunications; policy and planning

§ 202d. Telecommunications plan

§ 202e. Telecommunications and connectivity

§ 202f. Telecommunications and Connectivity Advisory Board

§ 203. Jurisdiction of certain public utilities

§ 203a. Fuel Efficiency Fund

§ 204. Organization; reports of public utility corporations

§ 205. Duty to furnish copies of contracts

§ 206. Information to be furnished Department

§ 207. Report of accidents; investigation

§ 208. Complaints; investigations; procedure

§ 208a. Selection of telecommunications carrier

§ 208b. Unauthorized billing

§ 209. Jurisdiction; general scope

§ 209a. Qualified cost mitigation charge orders

§ 209c. Electricity affordability program

§ 210. Electric companies; interconnection facilities

§ 211. Electric energy from inside or outside State

§ 212. Niagara power project

§ 212a. Retail sales by Department; statutory authorization

§ 212b. Review Board on Retail Sales

§ 212c. Retail sale by the Department; Commission approval

§ 212d. Access; negotiations; Commission order

§ 212e. Representation of public; production of records

§ 212f. Identification of Department sales on bills

§ 213. Interchange of electric facilities; power shortage

§ 214. Application for interconnection; joint use of facilities; and resolution of transmission disputes

§ 215. Natural gas

§ 216. Gas rate fixing

§ 217. Department to prosecute

§ 218. Jurisdiction over charges and rates

§ 218a. Permanent telecommunications relay service

§ 218b. Farm customers; energy efficiency; electric energy generation

§ 218c. Least-cost integrated planning

§ 218d. Alternative regulation of electric and natural gas companies

§ 218e. Implementing State energy policy; manufacturing

§ 219. Service

§ 221. Forms; orders

§ 222. Exceptions

§ 223. Appeal from municipal authorities

§ 224. Special authority to municipality, to be under supervision of Commission

§ 225. Rate schedules

§ 226. Rates, hearings, bond

§ 226a. Contracts regarding basic exchange telecommunications services

§ 226b. Incentive regulation of basic exchange telecommunications providers

§ 227. Suspension, refund

§ 227a. Pricing of competitive telecommunications services

§ 227b. Wireless telecommunications

§ 227c. Nondominant carriers

§ 227d. Small eligible telecommunications carriers

§ 227e. Leasing or licensing of State land; public notice

§ 228. Copy of schedules

§ 229. Rebates; exceptions

§ 230. Special rate or rebate; penalty

§ 231. Certificate of public good; abandonment of service; hearing

§ 231a. Registration of billing aggregators

§ 232. Sales, leases, pledges, bonds, notes; hearings

§ 234. Appeal

§ 235. Heating and process fuel efficiency program

§ 246. Temporary siting of meteorological stations

§ 247. Penalty

§ 248. New gas and electric purchases, investments, and facilities; certificate of public good

§ 248a. Certificate of public good for communications facilities

§ 248b. Fees; Agency of Natural Resources; participation in siting proceedings

§ 248c. Fees; Department of Public Service and Public Utility Commission; participation in certification and siting proceedings

§ 248d. Fee refund

§ 249. Service territories; Commission jurisdiction

§ 249a. Campground submetering

§ 250. Application; maps

§ 251. Areas served by several companies

§ 252. Experts, payment of expense

§ 253. National Environmental Policy Act review

§ 254. Construction or extended operation of nuclear plant; public engagement process

§ 254a. Joint Fiscal Committee; nuclear energy analysis

§ 255. Regional coordination to reduce greenhouse gases