Vermont Statutes
Chapter 113 - Commissioner and Members
§ 1874. Organization of Department by Commissioner

§ 1874. Organization of Department by Commissioner
(a) The Commissioner, with the approval of the Governor, shall so organize and arrange the Department as will best and most efficiently promote its work and carry out the objectives of this chapter. To that end, the Commissioner may, with the Governor’s approval, create, rearrange, and abolish divisions, establish grades, ranks, and positions to be held by members, and formulate, put into effect, alter, and repeal rules for the administration of the Department.
(b) The Commissioner may, in accordance with the rules adopted by him or her, designate or change the rank or grade to be held by a member. The Commissioner may assign or transfer members to serve at such stations and, within the limits of this chapter or other existing law, to perform such duties as he or she shall designate. The Commissioner may determine what members other than State Police shall give bonds, and prescribe the conditions and amount of the bonds. (Amended 2005, No. 209 (Adj. Sess.), § 31; 2021, No. 20, § 155.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 20 - Internal Security and Public Safety

Chapter 113 - Commissioner and Members

§ 1871. Department of Public Safety; Commissioner

§ 1872. Duties of Commissioner generally

§ 1874. Organization of Department by Commissioner

§ 1875. Radio communication system

§ 1876. Headquarters and stations; equipment

§ 1878. Appointment or promotion of members

§ 1879. Training school and courses

§ 1879a. Location of in-service training

§ 1880. Disciplinary procedures

§ 1881. Expenses; lodging and subsistence

§ 1882. Subpoenas

§ 1883. State law enforcement; memorandum of understanding

§ 1911. Examinations; appointment; promotion; probation

§ 1912. Bond and oath

§ 1913. Uniforms and equipment

§ 1914. Powers and immunities

§ 1915. Cooperation with fish and wildlife and forest services

§ 1921. Personnel administration rules

§ 1922. Creation of State Police Advisory Commission; members; duties

§ 1923. Internal investigation

§ 1931. Policy

§ 1932. Definitions

§ 1933. DNA sample required

§ 1934. Least intrusive means of collection

§ 1935. Procedure if person refuses to give sample

§ 1936. Compatibility with national system; authority to enter into DNA identification index system agreements with state, federal, and foreign jurisdictions

§ 1937. Authorized analysis of DNA samples

§ 1938. Storage and use of samples and records

§ 1939. Population database

§ 1940. Expungement of records and destruction of samples

§ 1941. Confidentiality of records

§ 1942. Adoption of rules and guidelines

§ 1943. Responsibility of Department of Public Safety

§ 1944. Limitation of liability for collection of DNA samples

§ 1945. Unlawful tampering with DNA samples