Vermont Statutes
Chapter 20 - Independent Direct Support Providers
§ 1646. Annual list of independent direct support providers in bargaining unit

§ 1646. Annual list of independent direct support providers in bargaining unit
(a) Annually, or on a more frequent basis if mutually agreed to by the State and the exclusive representative, the State shall provide the exclusive representative of the independent direct support providers with a list of all independent direct support providers in the bargaining unit.
(b)(1) The list shall include, as appropriate, each independent direct support provider’s name, work location, job classification, and contact information. As used in this section, “contact information” includes an independent direct support provider’s home address, personal e-mail address, and home and personal cellular telephone numbers to the extent that the State is in possession of such information.
(2) The list shall not include the name of any recipient or indicate that an independent direct support provider is a relative of a recipient or has the same address as a recipient.
(c) To the extent possible, the list shall be in alphabetical order by last name and provided in electronic format.
(d) The list shall be kept confidential by the State and the exclusive representative and shall be exempt from copying and inspection under the Public Records Act. (Added 2019, No. 180 (Adj. Sess.), § 18, eff. Jan. 1, 2021.)