§ 1631. Definitions
As used in this chapter:
(1) “Board” means the State Labor Relations Board established by 3 V.S.A. § 921.
(2) “Collective bargaining” or “bargaining collectively” means the process by which the State and the exclusive representative of the independent direct support providers negotiate mandatory subjects of bargaining identified in subsection 1634(b) of this chapter, or any other mutually agreed subjects of bargaining not in conflict with State or federal law, with the intent to arrive at an agreement which, when reached, shall be legally binding on all parties.
(3) “Collective bargaining service fee” means a fee deducted by the State from the compensation of an independent direct support provider who is not a member of the exclusive representative of independent direct support providers, which is paid to the exclusive representative. The collective bargaining service fee shall not exceed 85 percent of the amount payable as dues by members of the exclusive representative, and shall be deducted in the same manner as dues are deducted from the compensation of members of the exclusive representative, and shall be used to defray the costs incurred by the labor organization in fulfilling its duty to represent independent direct support providers in their relations with the State.
(4) “Exclusive representative” means the labor organization that has been certified under this chapter and has the right to represent independent direct support providers for the purpose of collective bargaining.
(5) “Grievance” means the exclusive representative’s formal written complaint regarding the improper application of one or more terms of the collective bargaining agreement, the failure to abide by any agreement reached, or the discriminatory application of a rule or regulation, which has not been resolved to a satisfactory result through informal discussion with the State.
(6) “Independent direct support provider” means any individual who provides home- and community-based services to a service recipient and is employed by the service recipient, shared living provider, or surrogate.
(7) “Labor organization” means an organization of any kind in which independent direct support providers participate and which exists, in whole or in part, for the purpose of representing independent direct support providers.
(8) “Service recipient” means a person who receives home- and community-based services under the Choices for Care Medicaid waiver, the Attendant Services Program (ASP), the Children’s Personal Care Service Program, the Developmental Disabilities Services Program, or any successor program or similar program subsequently established.
(9) “Shared living provider” means a person who operates under a contract with an authorized agency and provides individualized home support for one or two people who live in his or her home. An authorized agency includes a designated agency for developmental services.
(10) “Surrogate” means a service recipient’s authorized family member, legal guardian, or a person identified in a written agreement as having responsibility for the care of a service recipient. (Added 2013, No. 48, § 1, eff. May 24, 2013.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
Chapter 20 - Independent Direct Support Providers
§ 1632. Rights of independent direct support providers
§ 1634. Establishment of limited collective bargaining; scope of bargaining
§ 1635. Election; bargaining unit
§ 1636. Mediation; fact-finding; last best offer
§ 1637. General duties and prohibited conduct
§ 1638. Prevention of unfair practices
§ 1639. Negotiated agreement; funding
§ 1645. Automatic membership dues deduction
§ 1646. Annual list of independent direct support providers in bargaining unit