§ 1616. Nurse practitioner and nurse midwife signature authority
Whenever any provision of Vermont statute or rule or any form provided to any person in this State requires a signature, certification, stamp, verification, affidavit, or other endorsement by a physician, such statute, rule, or form shall be deemed to include a signature, certification, stamp, verification, affidavit, or other endorsement by an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) licensed pursuant to this chapter and certified as a nurse practitioner or a nurse midwife; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to expand the scope of practice of APRNs. (Added 2011, No. 122 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
Title 26 - Professions and Occupations
§ 1573. Vermont State Board of Nursing
§ 1582. Regulatory authority; unprofessional conduct
§ 1584. Prohibitions; offenses
§ 1585. Professional corporations; registered or licensed practical nursing
§ 1611. Advanced practice registered nurse licensure
§ 1611a. Fee waiver; pro bono practice
§ 1613. Transition to practice
§ 1615. Advanced practice registered nurses; regulatory authority; unprofessional conduct
§ 1616. Nurse practitioner and nurse midwife signature authority
§ 1621. Registered nurse licensure by examination
§ 1622. Registered nurse licensure by endorsement
§ 1623. Licensure for registered nurses educated outside the United States
§ 1624. Registered nurse license renewal
§ 1625. Practical nurse licensure by examination
§ 1626. Practical nurse licensure by endorsement
§ 1627. Licensure for practical nurses educated outside the United States
§ 1628. Practical nurse license renewal
§ 1629. Fee waiver; pro bono practice
§ 1642. Nursing assistant licensure by examination
§ 1643. Nursing assistant licensure by endorsement
§ 1644. Prohibitions; offenses
§ 1647. Nurse Licensure Compact; adoption
§ 1647a. Findings and declaration of purpose
§ 1647c. General provisions and jurisdiction
§ 1647d. Applications for licensure in a party state
§ 1647e. Additional authority invested in party state licensing boards
§ 1647f. Coordinated licensure information system
§ 1647g. Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators; establishment
§ 1647i. Oversight, dispute resolution, and enforcement
§ 1647j. Effective date, withdrawal, and amendment