Vermont Statutes
Chapter 28 - Nursing
§ 1573. Vermont State Board of Nursing

§ 1573. Vermont State Board of Nursing
(a) There is hereby created the Vermont State Board of Nursing consisting of six registered nurses, including at least two licensed as advanced practice registered nurses, two practical nurses, one nursing assistant, and two public members. Board members shall be appointed by the Governor pursuant to 3 V.S.A. §§ 129b and 2004.
(b) Appointments of registered and licensed practical nurse members shall be made in a manner designed to be representative of the various types of nursing education programs and nursing services.
(c) Each member of the Board shall be a resident of this State.
(1) The licensed members shall have the following in their respective categories of licensure:
(A) An active license to practice in Vermont.
(B) At least five years’ licensed experience. Three of these five years shall have been immediately preceding appointment.
(2) The public members shall not be members of any other health-related licensing boards, licensees of any health-occupation boards, or employees of any health agencies or facilities, and shall not derive primary livelihood from the provision of health services at any level of responsibility.
(d) [Repealed.] (Added 1979, No. 192 (Adj. Sess.), § 1; amended 1993, No. 201 (Adj. Sess.), § 1; 2005, No. 27, § 45; 2007, No. 163 (Adj. Sess.), § 11; 2011, No. 66, § 5, eff. June 1, 2011; 2015, No. 38, § 7, eff. May 28, 2015; 2017, No. 144 (Adj. Sess.), § 18; 2019, No. 178 (Adj. Sess.), § 7, eff. Oct. 1, 2020.)

Structure Vermont Statutes

Vermont Statutes

Title 26 - Professions and Occupations

Chapter 28 - Nursing

§ 1571. Purpose and effect

§ 1572. Definitions

§ 1573. Vermont State Board of Nursing

§ 1574. Powers and duties

§ 1577. Fees

§ 1582. Regulatory authority; unprofessional conduct

§ 1583. Exemptions

§ 1584. Prohibitions; offenses

§ 1585. Professional corporations; registered or licensed practical nursing

§ 1611. Advanced practice registered nurse licensure

§ 1611a. Fee waiver; pro bono practice

§ 1613. Transition to practice

§ 1614. APRN renewal

§ 1615. Advanced practice registered nurses; regulatory authority; unprofessional conduct

§ 1615a. APRN subcommittee

§ 1616. Nurse practitioner and nurse midwife signature authority

§ 1621. Registered nurse licensure by examination

§ 1622. Registered nurse licensure by endorsement

§ 1623. Licensure for registered nurses educated outside the United States

§ 1624. Registered nurse license renewal

§ 1625. Practical nurse licensure by examination

§ 1626. Practical nurse licensure by endorsement

§ 1627. Licensure for practical nurses educated outside the United States

§ 1628. Practical nurse license renewal

§ 1629. Fee waiver; pro bono practice

§ 1641. Definitions

§ 1642. Nursing assistant licensure by examination

§ 1643. Nursing assistant licensure by endorsement

§ 1644. Prohibitions; offenses

§ 1645. Renewal

§ 1646. Exemptions

§ 1647. Nurse Licensure Compact; adoption

§ 1647a. Findings and declaration of purpose

§ 1647b. Definitions

§ 1647c. General provisions and jurisdiction

§ 1647d. Applications for licensure in a party state

§ 1647e. Additional authority invested in party state licensing boards

§ 1647f. Coordinated licensure information system

§ 1647g. Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators; establishment

§ 1647h. Rulemaking

§ 1647i. Oversight, dispute resolution, and enforcement

§ 1647j. Effective date, withdrawal, and amendment

§ 1647k. Construction and severability

§ 1648. Administration of the Nurse Licensure Compact