§ 14211. Claims not clearly consistent
If any claim not clearly consistent with the terms of any applicable authority on file with a financial institution is made to any deposit, safe deposit box, property held in safekeeping, security, obligation, or other property in the financial institution’s possession or control, in whole or in part, by any person, including any depositor, individual, or group of individuals, whether or not authorized to draw on or exercise any right or control with respect to the property, the financial institution is not required to recognize the claim without one of the following:
(1) a court order, issued by a court of competent jurisdiction and served on the financial institution, enjoining or restraining the financial institution from taking any action with respect to the property or instructing the financial institution to pay the balance of the account, provide access to the safe deposit box, or deliver the property as provided in the order; or
(2) a bond in the form and amount and with sureties satisfactory to the financial institution, indemnifying the financial institution against any liabilities, loss, and expenses it might incur because of its recognition of the claim or because of its refusal, due to the claim, to honor or recognize any right with respect to the property. (Added 1999, No. 153 (Adj. Sess.), § 2, eff. Jan. 1, 2001.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
Title 8 - Banking and Insurance
Chapter 204 - Powers of Financial Institutions
§ 14101. Applicability of chapter
§ 14102. General organizational powers
§ 14103. Advertising; doing business or using name unlawfully
§ 14104. Capital or surplus requirements
§ 14105. Participation in public agencies
§ 14106. Expanded powers of Vermont financial institutions
§ 14108. Prohibited mergers and acquisitions
§ 14109. Prohibited management interlocks
§ 14202. Payment of deposits to administrators from another state or country
§ 14203. Trust deposits; payment on death of trustee
§ 14205. Payable on death accounts
§ 14206. Deposits of minors; exemption from trustee process
§ 14207. Provisions when title to deposit is litigated
§ 14208. Security for deposits
§ 14209. Examination of accounts
§ 14210. Real estate trust and escrow
§ 14211. Claims not clearly consistent
§ 14212. Joint fiduciary accounts
§ 14304. Card holder represented by legal counsel
§ 14401. Types of trust functions
§ 14402. National financial institutions; state financial institutions
§ 14403. Approval of Commissioner
§ 14405. Powers and duties of officers
§ 14406. Segregation of trust funds; exception
§ 14407. Collective investment funds
§ 14408. Registration and sale of securities
§ 14409. Disposition of securities upon court order; liability for acts of nominee