§ 1087. Simultaneous proceedings
If a proceeding for enforcement under this subchapter is commenced in a Vermont court and the court determines that a proceeding to modify the determination is pending in a court of another state having jurisdiction to modify the determination under subchapter 2 of this chapter, the enforcing court shall immediately communicate with the modifying court. The proceeding for enforcement shall continue unless the enforcing court, after consultation with the modifying court, stays or dismisses the proceeding. (Added 2011, No. 29, § 1.)
Structure Vermont Statutes
Chapter 20 - Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act
§ 1062. Proceedings governed by other law
§ 1063. Application to Indian tribes; international application
§ 1064. Effect of child custody determination
§ 1066. Notice to persons outside State
§ 1067. Appearance and limited immunity
§ 1068. Communication between courts
§ 1069. Taking testimony in another state
§ 1070. Cooperation between courts; preservation of records
§ 1071. Initial child custody jurisdiction
§ 1072. Exclusive; continuing jurisdiction
§ 1073. Jurisdiction to modify determination
§ 1074. Temporary emergency jurisdiction
§ 1075. Notice; opportunity to be heard; joinder
§ 1076. Simultaneous proceedings
§ 1078. Jurisdiction declined by reason of conduct
§ 1079. Information to be submitted to court
§ 1080. Appearance of parties and child
§ 1082. Enforcement under Hague Convention
§ 1085. Registration of child custody determination
§ 1086. Enforcement of registered determination
§ 1087. Simultaneous proceedings
§ 1088. Expedited enforcement of child custody determination
§ 1090. Warrant to take physical custody of child
§ 1091. Costs, fees, and expenses
§ 1092. Recognition and enforcement, appeals
§ 1093. Role of Attorney General; role of law enforcement