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§ 1501. Short title and application of other provisions - This subchapter may be cited as the “Federal Crop Insurance...
§ 1502. Purpose; definitions; protection of information; relation to other laws - (a) PurposeIt is the purpose of this subchapter to promote...
§ 1503. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation; creation; offices - To carry out the purposes of this subchapter, there is...
§ 1504. Capital stock of Corporation - (a) Subscription by United StatesThe Corporation shall have a capital...
§ 1504a. Capitalization of Corporation - The payment for capital stock in the Federal Crop Insurance...
§ 1505. Management of Corporation - (a) Board of Directors(1) EstablishmentThe management of the Corporation shall...
§ 1506. General powers - (a) SuccessionThe Corporation shall have succession in its corporate name....
§§ 1506a, 1506b. Omitted -
§ 1507. Personnel of Corporation - (a) Appointment; civil service exemption; compensationThe Secretary shall appoint such...
§ 1508. Crop insurance - (a) Authority to offer insurance(1) In generalIf sufficient actuarial data...
§ 1508a. Double insurance and prevented planting - (a) DefinitionsIn this section:(1) First cropThe term “first crop” means...
§ 1508b. Stacked Income Protection Plan for producers of upland cotton - (a) AvailabilityBeginning not later than the 2015 crop of upland...
§ 1508c. Peanut revenue crop insurance - (a) In generalEffective beginning with the 2015 crop year, the...
§ 1508d. Coverage for forage and grazing - Notwithstanding , and in addition to any other available coverage,...
§ 1509. Exemption of indemnities from levy - Claims for indemnities under this subchapter shall not be liable...
§ 1510. Deposit and investment of funds; Federal Reserve banks as fiscal agents - All money of the Corporation not otherwise employed may be...
§ 1511. Tax exemption - The Corporation, including its franchise, its capital, reserves, and surplus,...
§ 1512. Corporation as fiscal agent of Government - When designated for that purpose by the Secretary of the...
§ 1513. Books of account and annual reports of Corporation - The Corporation shall at all times maintain complete and accurate...
§ 1514. Crimes and offenses - (a) to (e) Repealed. June 25, 1948, ch. 645, §...
§ 1515. Program compliance and integrity - (a) Purpose(1) In generalThe purpose of this section is to...
§ 1516. Funding - (a) Authorization of appropriations(1) Discretionary expensesThere are authorized to be...
§ 1517. Separability - The sections of this subchapter and subdivisions of sections are...
§ 1518. “Agricultural commodity” defined - “Agricultural commodity”, as used in this subchapter, means wheat, cotton,...
§ 1519. Repealed. , , -
§ 1520. Producer eligibility - (1) for purposes of catastrophic risk protection coverage, the producer...
§ 1521. Ineligibility for catastrophic risk and noninsured assistance payments - If the Secretary determines that a person has knowingly adopted...
§ 1522. Research and development - (a) Definition of policyIn this section, the term “policy” means...
§ 1523. Pilot programs - (a) General provisions(1) AuthorityExcept as otherwise provided in this section,...
§ 1524. Education and risk management assistance - (a) Education assistance(1) In generalSubject to the amounts made available...
§ 1531. Supplemental agricultural disaster assistance - (a) DefinitionsIn this section:(1) Actual production history yieldThe term “actual...