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§ 12701. National housing goal - The Congress affirms the national goal that every American family...
§ 12702. Objective of national housing policy - (1) to ensure that every resident of the United States...
§ 12703. Purposes of Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act - (1) to help families not owning a home to save...
§ 12704. Definitions - (1) The term “unit of general local government” means a...
§ 12705. State and local housing strategies - (a) In generalThe Secretary shall provide assistance directly to a...
§ 12705a. Purposes of Removal of Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing Act - (1) to encourage State and local governments to further identify...
§ 12705b. Definition of regulatory barriers to affordable housing - For purposes of sections 12705a to 12705d of this title,...
§ 12705c. Grants for regulatory barrier removal strategies and implementation - (a) FundingThere is authorized to be appropriated for grants under...
§ 12705d. Regulatory barriers clearinghouse - (a) EstablishmentThe Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall establish...
§ 12706. Certification - The Secretary shall, by regulation or otherwise, as deemed by...
§ 12707. Citizen participation - (a) In generalBefore submitting a housing strategy under this section,11...
§ 12708. Compliance - (a) Performance reports(1) In generalEach participating jurisdiction shall annually review...
§ 12709. Energy efficiency standards - (a) Establishment(1) In generalThe Secretary of Housing and Urban Development...
§ 12710. Capacity study - (a) In generalThe Secretary shall ensure that the Department of...
§ 12711. Protection of State and local authority - Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter or subchapter II,...
§ 12712. 5-year energy efficiency plan - (a) EstablishmentThe Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall establish...
§ 12713. Eligibility under first-time homebuyer programs - (a) Eligibility of displaced homemakers and single parents for Federal...
§ 12714. Repealed. , , -
Part A— HOME Investment Partnerships
§ 12741. Authority - The Secretary is authorized to make funds available to participating...
§ 12742. Eligible uses of investment - (a) Housing uses(1) In generalFunds made available under this part...
§ 12743. Development of model programs - (a) In generalThe Secretary shall—(1) in cooperation with participating jurisdictions,...
§ 12744. Income targeting - (1) with respect to rental assistance and rental units—(A) not...
§ 12745. Qualification as affordable housing - (a) Rental housing(1) QualificationHousing that is for rental shall qualify...
§ 12746. Participation by States and local governments - (1) AllocationNot later than 20 days after funds to carry...
§ 12747. Allocation of resources - (a) In general(1) States and units of general local governmentAfter...
§ 12748. HOME Investment Trust Funds - (a) EstablishmentThe Secretary shall establish for each participating jurisdiction a...
§ 12749. Repayment of investment - (a) In generalAny repayment of funds drawn from a jurisdiction’s...
§ 12750. Matching requirements - (a) ContributionEach participating jurisdiction shall make contributions to housing that...
§ 12751. Private-public partnership - Each participating jurisdiction shall make all reasonable efforts, consistent with...
§ 12752. Distribution of assistance - (a) LocalEach participating jurisdiction shall, insofar as is feasible, distribute...
§ 12753. Penalties for misuse of funds - (1) prevent withdrawals from the participating jurisdiction’s HOME Investment Trust...
§ 12754. Limitation on jurisdictions under court order - (a) In generalNotwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the...
§ 12755. Tenant and participant protections - (a) LeaseThe lease between a tenant and an owner of...
§ 12756. Monitoring of compliance - (a) Enforceable agreementsEach participating jurisdiction, through binding contractual agreements with...
Part B— Community Housing Partnership
§ 12771. Set-aside for community housing development organizations - (a) In generalFor a period of 24 months after funds...
§ 12772. Project-specific assistance to community housing development organizations - (a) In generalAmounts reserved under section 12771 of this title...
§ 12773. Housing education and organizational support - (a) In generalThe Secretary is authorized to provide education and...
§ 12774. Other requirements - (a) Tenant participation planA community housing development organization that receives...
Part C— Other Support for State and Local Housing Strategies
§ 12781. Authority - The Secretary shall, insofar as is feasible through contract with...
§ 12782. Priorities for capacity development - (1) facilitate the exchange of information that would help participating...
§ 12783. Conditions of contracts - (a) Eligible organizationsThe Secretary shall carry out this part insofar...
§ 12784. Research in housing affordability - The Secretary is authorized to support, through contracts with eligible...
§ 12785. REACH: asset recycling information dissemination - (a) In generalThe Secretary shall make available upon request by...
Part D— Specified Model Programs
§ 12801. General authority - Among the alternative model programs that the Secretary shall make...
§ 12802. Rental housing production - (a) Repayable advances(1) In generalThe Secretary shall make available a...
§ 12803. Rental rehabilitation - (a) In generalThe Secretary shall make available a model program...
§ 12804. Rehabilitation loans - (a) In generalThe Secretary shall make available a model program...
§ 12805. Sweat equity model program - (a) In generalThe Secretary shall make available a model program...
§ 12806. Home repair services grants for older and disabled homeowners - (a) In generalThe Secretary shall make available a model program...
§ 12807. Low-income housing conservation and efficiency grant programs - (a) In generalThe Secretary shall make available a model program...
§ 12808. Second mortgage assistance for first-time homebuyers - (a) In generalThe Secretary shall make available a model program...
§ 12809. Rehabilitation of State and local government in rem properties - (a) In generalThe Secretary shall make available a model program...
§ 12810. Cost-saving building technologies and construction techniques - (a) In generalThe Secretary shall make available a model program...
Part E— Other Assistance
§ 12821. Omitted -
Part F— General Provisions
§ 12831. Equal opportunity - (a) Solicitation of contractsEach participating jurisdiction shall prescribe procedures acceptable...
§ 12832. Nondiscrimination - No person in the United States shall on the grounds...
§ 12833. Audits by Comptroller General - (a) Audits of HOME Investment Partnerships programThe Comptroller General, when...
§ 12834. Uniform recordkeeping and reports to Congress - (a) Uniform requirementsThe Secretary shall develop and establish uniform recordkeeping,...
§ 12835. Citizen participation - The Secretary shall ensure that each participating jurisdiction, and each...
§ 12836. Labor - (a) In generalAny contract for the construction of affordable housing...
§ 12837. Interstate agreements - The consent of the Congress is hereby given to any...
§ 12838. Environmental review - (a) In generalIn order to assure that the policies of...
§ 12839. Termination of existing housing programs - (a) In generalExcept with respect to projects and programs for...
§ 12840. Suspension of requirements for disaster areas - For funds designated under this subchapter by a recipient to...
§ 12851. National Homeownership Trust - (a) EstablishmentThere is established the National Homeownership Trust, which shall...
§ 12852. Assistance for first-time homebuyers - (a) In generalThe Trust shall provide assistance payments for first-time...
§ 12853. National Homeownership Trust Fund - (a) EstablishmentThere is established in the Treasury of the United...
§ 12854. Definitions - (1) Board of DirectorsThe term “Board of Directors” or “Board”...
§ 12855. Regulations - The Board of Directors shall issue any regulations necessary to...
§ 12856. Report - The Board of Directors shall submit to the Congress, not...
§ 12857. Authorization of appropriations - There are authorized to be appropriated for assistance payments under...
§ 12858. Transition - (a) Authority of SecretaryUpon the termination of the Trust as...
§ 12859. Termination - The Trust shall terminate .
Part A— HOPE for Homeownership of Multifamily Units
§ 12871. Program authority - (a) In generalThe Secretary is authorized to make—(1) planning grants...
§ 12872. Planning grants - (a) GrantsThe Secretary is authorized to make planning grants to...
§ 12873. Implementation grants - (a) GrantsThe Secretary is authorized to make implementation grants to...
§ 12874. Homeownership program requirements - (a) In generalA homeownership program under this part shall provide...
§ 12875. Other program requirements - (a) PreferencesIn selecting eligible families for homeownership, the recipient shall...
§ 12876. Definitions - (1) The term “applicant” means the following entities that may...
§ 12877. Exemption - (1) the Low-Income Housing Preservation and Resident Homeownership Act of...
§ 12878. Limitation on selection criteria - In establishing criteria for selecting applicants to receive assistance under...
§ 12879. Implementation - Not later than the expiration of the 180-day period beginning...
§ 12880. Report - (1) the number, type and cost of eligible properties transferred...
Part B— HOPE for Homeownership of Single Family Homes
§ 12891. Program authority - (1) planning grants to help applicants develop homeownership programs in...
§ 12892. Planning grants - (a) GrantsThe Secretary is authorized to make planning grants to...
§ 12893. Implementation grants - (a) GrantsThe Secretary is authorized to make implementation grants to...
§ 12894. Homeownership program requirements - (a) In generalA homeownership program under this part shall provide...
§ 12895. Other program requirements - (a) Cost limitationsThe Secretary may establish cost limitations on eligible...
§ 12896. Definitions - (1) The term “applicant” means a private nonprofit organization, cooperative...
§ 12897. Limitation on selection criteria - In establishing criteria for selecting applicants to receive assistance under...
§ 12898. Implementation - Not later than the expiration of the 180-day period beginning...
§ 12898a. Enterprise zone homeownership opportunity grants - (a) Statement of purposeIt is the purpose of this section—(1)...
Part C— HOPE for Youth: Youthbuild
§§ 12899 to 12899i. Repealed. , , -