US Code
Part D— Specified Model Programs
§ 12805. Sweat equity model program

(a) In generalThe Secretary shall make available a model program to provide grants to public and private nonprofit organizations and community housing development organizations to provide technical and supervisory assistance to low-income and very low-income families, including the homeless, in acquiring, rehabilitating, and constructing housing by the self-help housing method.
(b) Rehabilitation of propertiesThe program shall target for rehabilitation properties which have been acquired by the Federal, State, or local governments.
(c) Homeownership opportunities through sweat equity(1) The program shall utilize the skilled or unskilled labor of eligible families in exchange for acquisition of the property.
(2) Training shall be provided to eligible families in building and home maintenance skills.
(d) Rental opportunities through sweat equity(1) The program shall include rental opportunities for eligible families which will help expand the stock of affordable housing which is most appropriate for the target group.
(2) The use of the tenant’s skilled or unskilled labor shall be encouraged in lieu of or as a supplement to rent payments by the tenant.
(e) “Self-help housing” definedThe term “self-help housing” means the same as in section 1490c of this title.
(f) Additional restrictionsThe guidelines for the model program shall generally comport with the additional protections and restrictions specified under section 1490c of this title.