(a) Expedited licensing process for closed-loop pumped storage projects(1) In generalAs provided in this section, the Commission may issue and amend licenses, as appropriate, for closed-loop pumped storage projects.
(2) RuleNot later than 180 days after October 23, 2018, the Commission shall issue a rule establishing an expedited process for issuing and amending licenses for closed-loop pumped storage projects under this section.
(3) Interagency task forceIn establishing the expedited process under this section, the Commission shall convene an interagency task force, with appropriate Federal and State agencies and Indian tribes represented, to coordinate the regulatory processes associated with the authorizations required to construct and operate closed-loop pumped storage projects.
(4) Length of processThe Commission shall seek to ensure that the expedited process under this section will result in final decision on an application for a license by not later than 2 years after receipt of a completed application for such license.
(b) Dam safetyBefore issuing any license for a closed-loop pumped storage project, the Commission shall assess the safety of existing dams and other structures related to the project (including possible consequences associated with failure of such structures).
(c) Exceptions from other requirements(1) In generalIn issuing or amending a license for a closed-loop pumped storage project pursuant to the expedited process established under this section, the Commission may grant an exception from any other requirement of this subchapter with respect to any part of the closed-loop pumped storage project (not including any dam or other impoundment).
(2) ConsultationIn granting an exception under paragraph (1), the Commission shall consult with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Marine Fisheries Service, and the State agency exercising administration over the fish and wildlife resources of the State in which the closed-loop pumped storage project is or will be located, in the manner provided by the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. 661 et seq.).
(3) Terms and conditionsIn granting an exception under paragraph (1), the Commission shall include in any such exception—(A) such terms and conditions as the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Marine Fisheries Service, and the State agency described in paragraph (2) each determine are appropriate to prevent loss of, or damage to, fish and wildlife resources and to otherwise carry out the purposes of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act; and
(B) such terms and conditions as the Commission deems appropriate to ensure that such closed-loop pumped storage project continues to comply with the provisions of this section and terms and conditions included in any such exception.
(4) FeesThe Commission, in addition to the requirements of section 803(e) of this title, shall establish fees which shall be paid by an applicant for a license for a closed-loop pumped storage project that is required to meet terms and conditions set by fish and wildlife agencies under paragraph (3). Such fees shall be adequate to reimburse the fish and wildlife agencies referred to in paragraph (3) for any reasonable costs incurred in connection with any studies or other reviews carried out by such agencies for purposes of compliance with this section. The fees shall, subject to annual appropriations Acts, be transferred to such agencies by the Commission for use solely for purposes of carrying out such studies and shall remain available until expended.
(d) TransfersNotwithstanding section 798 of this title, and regardless of whether the holder of a preliminary permit for a closed-loop pumped storage project claimed municipal preference under section 800(a) of this title when obtaining the permit, on request by a municipality, the Commission may, to facilitate development of a closed-loop pumped storage project—(1) add entities as joint permittees following issuance of a preliminary permit; and
(2) transfer a license in part to one or more nonmunicipal entities as co-licensees with a municipality, if the municipality retains majority ownership of the project for which the license was issued.
(e) Interagency communicationsInteragency cooperation in the preparation of environmental documents under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) with respect to an application for a license for a closed-loop pumped storage project submitted pursuant to this section, and interagency communications relating to licensing process coordination pursuant to this section, shall not—(1) be considered to be ex parte communications under Commission rules; or
(2) preclude an agency from participating in a licensing proceeding under this subchapter, providing that any agency participating as a party in a licensing proceeding under this subchapter shall, to the extent practicable, demonstrate a separation of staff cooperating with the Commission under the National Environmental Policy Act 11 So in original. Probably should be followed by “of 1969”. (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and staff participating in the applicable proceeding under this subchapter.
(f) Developing abandoned mines for pumped storage(1) WorkshopNot later than 6 months after October 23, 2018, the Commission shall hold a workshop to explore potential opportunities for development of closed-loop pumped storage projects at abandoned mine sites.
(2) GuidanceNot later than 1 year after October 23, 2018, the Commission shall issue guidance to assist applicants for licenses or preliminary permits for closed-loop pumped storage projects at abandoned mine sites.
(g) Qualifying criteria for closed-loop pumped storage projects(1) In generalThe Commission shall establish criteria that a pumped storage project shall meet in order to qualify as a closed-loop pumped storage project eligible for the expedited process established under this section.
(2) InclusionsIn establishing the criteria under paragraph (1), the Commission shall include criteria requiring that the pumped storage project—(A) cause little to no change to existing surface and ground water flows and uses; and
(B) is unlikely to adversely affect species listed as a threatened species or endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 [16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.].
(h) Savings clauseNothing in this section affects any authority of the Commission to license a closed-loop pumped storage project under this subchapter.
Structure US Code
§ 791. Repealed. , title II, § 212,
§ 797. General powers of Commission
§ 797b. Duty to keep Congress fully and currently informed
§ 797c. Dams in National Park System units
§ 797d. Third party contracting by FERC
§ 798. Purpose and scope of preliminary permits; transfer and cancellation
§ 799. License; duration, conditions, revocation, alteration, or surrender
§ 800. Issuance of preliminary permits or licenses
§ 801. Transfer of license; obligations of transferee
§ 802. Information to accompany application for license; landowner notification
§ 803. Conditions of license generally
§ 804. Project works affecting navigable waters; requirements insertable in license
§ 805. Participation by Government in costs of locks, etc.
§ 807. Right of Government to take over project works
§ 808. New licenses and renewals
§ 809. Temporary use by Government of project works for national safety; compensation for use
§ 810. Disposition of charges arising from licenses
§ 811. Operation of navigation facilities; rules and regulations; penalties
§ 813. Power entering into interstate commerce; regulation of rates, charges, etc.
§ 814. Exercise by licensee of power of eminent domain
§ 815. Contract to furnish power extending beyond period of license; obligations of new licensee
§ 816. Preservation of rights vested prior to
§ 818. Public lands included in project; reservation of lands from entry
§ 819. Repealed. , title II, § 212,
§ 820. Proceedings for revocation of license or to prevent violations of license
§ 821. State laws and water rights unaffected
§ 822. Reservation of right to alter or repeal chapter
§ 823. Repeal of inconsistent laws
§ 823a. Conduit hydroelectric facilities
§ 823c. Alaska State jurisdiction over small hydroelectric projects
§ 823d. Alternative conditions and prescriptions
§ 823e. Promoting hydropower development at existing nonpowered dams