US Code
Part A— General Provisions
§ 728a. Training and services for employers

(1) providing training and technical assistance to employers regarding the employment of individuals with disabilities, including disability awareness, and the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.) and other employment-related laws;
(2) working with employers to—(A) provide opportunities for work-based learning experiences (including internships, short-term employment, apprenticeships, and fellowships), and opportunities for pre-employment transition services;
(B) recruit qualified applicants who are individuals with disabilities;
(C) train employees who are individuals with disabilities; and
(D) promote awareness of disability-related obstacles to continued employment;
(3) providing consultation, technical assistance, and support to employers on workplace accommodations, assistive technology, and facilities and workplace access through collaboration with community partners and employers, across States and nationally, to enable the employers to recruit, job match, hire, and retain qualified individuals with disabilities who are recipients of vocational rehabilitation services under this subchapter, or who are applicants for such services; and
(4) assisting employers with utilizing available financial support for hiring or accommodating individuals with disabilities.