(a) General prohibitionNo national bank may engage in any activity involving the underwriting or sale of title insurance.
(b) Nondiscrimination parity exception(1) In generalNotwithstanding any other provision of law (including section 6701 of this title), in the case of any State in which banks organized under the laws of such State are authorized to sell title insurance as agent, a national bank may sell title insurance as agent in such State, but only in the same manner, to the same extent, and under the same restrictions as such State banks are authorized to sell title insurance as agent in such State.
(2) Coordination with “wildcard” provisionA State law which authorizes State banks to engage in any activities in such State in which a national bank may engage shall not be treated as a statute which authorizes State banks to sell title insurance as agent, for purposes of paragraph (1).
(c) Grandfathering with consistent regulation(1) In generalExcept as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) and notwithstanding subsections (a) and (b), a national bank, and a subsidiary of a national bank, may conduct title insurance activities which such national bank or subsidiary was actively and lawfully conducting before November 12, 1999.
(2) Insurance affiliateIn the case of a national bank which has an affiliate which provides insurance as principal and is not a subsidiary of the bank, the national bank and any subsidiary of the national bank may not engage in the underwriting of title insurance pursuant to paragraph (1).
(3) Insurance subsidiaryIn the case of a national bank which has a subsidiary which provides insurance as principal and has no affiliate other than a subsidiary which provides insurance as principal, the national bank may not directly engage in any activity involving the underwriting of title insurance.
(d) “Affiliate” and “subsidiary” definedFor purposes of this section, the terms “affiliate” and “subsidiary” have the same meanings as in section 1841 of title 12.
(e) Rule of constructionNo provision of this Act or any other Federal law shall be construed as superseding or affecting a State law which was in effect before November 12, 1999, and which prohibits title insurance from being offered, provided, or sold in such State, or from being underwritten with respect to real property in such State, by any person whatsoever.
Structure US Code
§ 6711. Functional regulation of insurance
§ 6712. Insurance underwriting in national banks
§ 6713. Title insurance activities of national banks and their affiliates
§ 6714. Expedited and equalized dispute resolution for Federal regulators
§ 6715. Certain State affiliation laws preempted for insurance companies and affiliates