US Code
Part A— Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security
§ 665n. Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity Training Initiative

(a) Establishment(1) In generalThe Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity Training Initiative (in this section referred to as the “Initiative”) is established within the Agency.
(2) PurposeThe purpose of the Initiative is to develop and strengthen the skills of the cybersecurity workforce related to securing industrial control systems.
(b) RequirementsIn carrying out the Initiative, the Director shall—(1) ensure the Initiative includes—(A) virtual and in-person trainings and courses provided at no cost to participants;
(B) trainings and courses available at different skill levels, including introductory level courses;
(C) trainings and courses that cover cyber defense strategies for industrial control systems, including an understanding of the unique cyber threats facing industrial control systems and the mitigation of security vulnerabilities in industrial control systems technology; and
(D) appropriate consideration regarding the availability of trainings and courses in different regions of the United States; and 11 So in original. The word “and” probably should not appear.
(2) engage in—(A) collaboration with the National Laboratories of the Department of Energy in accordance with section 189 of this title;
(B) consultation with Sector Risk Management Agencies;22 So in original. Probably should be followed by “and”.
(C) as appropriate, consultation with private sector entities with relevant expertise, such as vendors of industrial control systems technologies; and
(3) consult, to the maximum extent practicable, with commercial training providers and academia to minimize the potential for duplication of other training opportunities.
(c) Reports(1) In generalNot later than one year after December 23, 2022, and annually thereafter, the Director shall submit to the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate a report on the Initiative.
(2) ContentsEach report submitted under paragraph (1) shall include the following:(A) A description of the courses provided under the Initiative.
(B) A description of outreach efforts to raise awareness of the availability of such courses.
(C) The number of participants in each course.
(D) Voluntarily provided information on the demographics of participants in such courses, including by sex, race, and place of residence.
(E) Information on the participation in such courses of workers from each critical infrastructure sector.
(F) Plans for expanding access to industrial control systems education and training, including expanding access to women and underrepresented populations, and expanding access to different regions of the United States.
(G) Recommendations regarding how to strengthen the state of industrial control systems cybersecurity education and training.

Structure US Code

US Code




Part A— Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security

§ 651. Definition

§ 652. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

§ 652a. Sector Risk Management Agencies

§ 653. Cybersecurity Division

§ 654. Infrastructure Security Division

§ 655. Enhancement of Federal and non-Federal cybersecurity

§ 656. NET Guard

§ 657. Cyber Security Enhancement Act of 2002

§ 658. Cybersecurity recruitment and retention

§ 659. National cybersecurity and communications integration center

§ 660. Cybersecurity plans

§ 661. Cybersecurity strategy

§ 662. Clearances

§ 663. Federal intrusion detection and prevention system

§ 664. National asset database

§ 665. Duties and authorities relating to .gov internet domain

§ 665a. Intelligence and cybersecurity diversity fellowship program

§ 665b. Joint cyber planning office

§ 665c. Cybersecurity State Coordinator

§ 665d. Sector Risk Management Agencies

§ 665e. Cybersecurity Advisory Committee

§ 665f. Cybersecurity education and training programs

§ 665g. State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program

§ 665h. National Cyber Exercise Program

§ 665i. CyberSentry program

§ 665j. Ransomware threat mitigation activities

§ 665k. Federal Clearinghouse on School Safety Evidence-based Practices

§ 665l. School and daycare protection

§ 665m. President’s Cup Cybersecurity Competition

§ 665n. Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity Training Initiative