US Code
Part A— Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security
§ 665m. President’s Cup Cybersecurity Competition

(a) In generalThe Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (in this section referred to as the “Director”) of the Department of Homeland Security is authorized to hold an annual cybersecurity competition to be known as the “Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s President’s Cup Cybersecurity Competition” (in this section referred to as the “competition”) for the purpose of identifying, challenging, and competitively awarding prizes, including cash prizes, to the United States Government’s best cybersecurity practitioners and teams across offensive and defensive cybersecurity disciplines.
(b) EligibilityTo be eligible to participate in the competition, an individual shall be a Federal civilian employee or member of the uniformed services (as such term is defined in section 2101(3) of title 5) and shall comply with any rules promulgated by the Director regarding the competition.
(c) Competition administrationThe Director may enter into a grant, contract, cooperative agreement, or other agreement with a private sector for-profit or nonprofit entity or State or local government agency to administer the competition.
(d) Competition parametersEach competition shall incorporate the following elements:(1) Cybersecurity skills outlined in the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education Framework, or any successor framework.
(2) Individual and team events.
(3) Categories demonstrating offensive and defensive cyber operations, such as software reverse engineering and exploitation, network operations, forensics, big data analysis, cyber analysis, cyber defense, cyber exploitation, secure programming, obfuscated coding, or cyber-physical systems.
(4) Any other elements related to paragraphs (1), (2), or (3), as determined necessary by the Director.
(e) Use of funds(1) In generalIn order to further the goals and objectives of the competition, the Director may use amounts made available to the Director for the competition for reasonable expenses for the following:(A) Advertising, marketing, and promoting the competition.
(B) Meals for participants and organizers of the competition if attendance at the meal during the competition is necessary to maintain the integrity of the competition.
(C) Promotional items, including merchandise and apparel.
(D) Consistent with section 4503 of title 5, necessary expenses for the honorary recognition of competition participants, including members of the uniformed services.
(E) Monetary and nonmonetary awards for competition participants, including members of the uniformed services, subject to subsection (f).
(2) ApplicationThis subsection shall apply to amounts appropriated on or after December 23, 2022.
(f) Prize limitation(1) Awards by the DirectorThe Director may make one or more awards per competition, except that the amount or value of each shall not exceed $10,000.
(2) Awards by the Secretary of Homeland SecurityThe Secretary of Homeland Security may make one or more awards per competition, except the amount or the value of each shall not exceed $25,000.
(3) Regular payA monetary award under this section shall be in addition to the regular pay of the recipient.
(4) Overall yearly award limitThe total amount or value of awards made under this Act 11 So in original. Probably should refer to “this section”. See References in Text note below. during a fiscal year may not exceed $100,000.
(g) Reporting requirementsThe Director shall annually provide to the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate a report that includes the following with respect to each competition conducted in the preceding year:(1) A description of available amounts.
(2) A description of authorized expenditures.
(3) Information relating to participation.
(4) Information relating to lessons learned, and how such lessons may be applied to improve cybersecurity operations and recruitment of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency of the Department of Homeland Security.

Structure US Code

US Code




Part A— Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security

§ 651. Definition

§ 652. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

§ 652a. Sector Risk Management Agencies

§ 653. Cybersecurity Division

§ 654. Infrastructure Security Division

§ 655. Enhancement of Federal and non-Federal cybersecurity

§ 656. NET Guard

§ 657. Cyber Security Enhancement Act of 2002

§ 658. Cybersecurity recruitment and retention

§ 659. National cybersecurity and communications integration center

§ 660. Cybersecurity plans

§ 661. Cybersecurity strategy

§ 662. Clearances

§ 663. Federal intrusion detection and prevention system

§ 664. National asset database

§ 665. Duties and authorities relating to .gov internet domain

§ 665a. Intelligence and cybersecurity diversity fellowship program

§ 665b. Joint cyber planning office

§ 665c. Cybersecurity State Coordinator

§ 665d. Sector Risk Management Agencies

§ 665e. Cybersecurity Advisory Committee

§ 665f. Cybersecurity education and training programs

§ 665g. State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program

§ 665h. National Cyber Exercise Program

§ 665i. CyberSentry program

§ 665j. Ransomware threat mitigation activities

§ 665k. Federal Clearinghouse on School Safety Evidence-based Practices

§ 665l. School and daycare protection

§ 665m. President’s Cup Cybersecurity Competition

§ 665n. Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity Training Initiative