US Code
Part B— General Powers and Duties
§ 6636. Senate Computer Center

(a) Senate Computer Center Revolving Fund(1) There is hereby established in the Treasury of the United States a revolving fund within the contingent fund of the Senate to be known as the Senate Computer Center Revolving Fund (hereafter in this section referred to as the “revolving fund”).
(2) The revolving fund shall be available only for paying the salaries of personnel employed under subsection (c), and agency contributions attributable thereto, and for paying refunds under contracts entered into under subsection (b).
(3) Within 90 days after the end of each fiscal year, the Secretary of the Senate shall withdraw all amounts in the revolving fund in excess of $100,000, other than amounts required to make refunds under subsection (b)(2)(B), and shall deposit the amounts withdrawn in the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts.
(b) Contracts for use of Senate computer; approval; terms(1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2), the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate is authorized to enter into contracts with any agency or instrumentality of the legislative branch for the use of any available time on the Senate computer.
(2) No contract may be entered into under paragraph (1) unless it has been approved by the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate, and no such contract may extend beyond the end of the fiscal year in which it is entered into. Each contract entered into under paragraph (1) shall contain—(A) a provision requiring full advance payment for the amount of time contracted for, and
(B) a provision requiring refund of a proportionate amount of such advance payment if the total amount of time contracted for is not used.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any agency or instrumentality of the legislative branch is authorized to make advance payments under a contract entered into under paragraph (1).
(c) Additional personnelTo the extent that the personnel of the Senate Computer Center are unable to carry out the contracts entered into under subsection (b) according to their terms and conditions, the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate is authorized to employ such additional personnel for the Senate Computer Center as may be necessary to carry out such contracts, and to pay the salaries of such additional personnel, and agency contributions attributable thereto, from the revolving fund. Such additional personnel may temporarily be assigned to perform the regular functions of the Senate Computer Center when their services are not needed to carry out such contracts.
(d) DisbursementsDisbursements from the revolving fund under subsections (b) and (c) shall be made upon vouchers signed by the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate, except that vouchers shall not be required for the disbursement of salaries of employees paid at an annual rate.

Structure US Code

US Code




Part B— General Powers and Duties

§ 6611. Transfer authority and Sergeant at Arms Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Fund

§ 6612. Travel expenses of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate

§ 6613. Advances to Sergeant at Arms of Senate for extraordinary expenses

§ 6614. Funds advanced by Secretary of Senate to Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate to defray office expenses; accountability; maximum amount; vouchers

§ 6615. Deposit of moneys for credit to account within Senate contingent fund for “Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate”

§ 6616. Support services for Senate during emergency; memorandum of understanding with an executive agency

§ 6617. Law enforcement authority of Sergeant-at-Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate

§ 6618. Data processing equipment, software, and services

§ 6619. Advance payments for computer programing services

§ 6620. Provision of services and equipment on a reimbursable basis

§ 6621. Payment for telecommunications equipment and services; definitions

§ 6622. Certification of telecommunications equipment and services as official

§ 6623. Report on telecommunications to Committee on Rules and Administration

§ 6624. Metered charges on copiers; “Sergeant at Arms” and “user” defined; certification of services and equipment as official; deposit of payments; availability for expenditure

§ 6625. Receipts from sales of items by Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate, to Senators, etc., to be credited to appropriation from which purchased

§ 6626. Reimbursements to Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate for equipment provided to Senators, etc., which has been lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise unaccounted for; deposit of receipts

§ 6627. Compensation for lost or damaged property

§ 6628. Treatment of electronic services provided by Sergeant at Arms

§ 6629. Purchase, lease, exchange, maintenance, and operation of vehicles out of account for Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate within Senate contingent fund; authorization of appropriations

§ 6630. Disposal of used or surplus furniture and equipment by Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate; procedure; deposit of receipts

§ 6631. Transfer of excess or surplus educationally useful equipment to public schools

§ 6632. Disposal of used or surplus automobiles and trucks by Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate; procedure; deposit of receipts

§ 6633. Media support services

§ 6634. Senate Hair Care Services

§ 6635. Office of Senate Health Promotion

§ 6636. Senate Computer Center