US Code
Part B— General Powers and Duties
§ 6628. Treatment of electronic services provided by Sergeant at Arms

(a) In generalIn this section—(1) the term “agent of the Office of the SAA” includes a provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service commissioned or used through the Office of the SAA by a Senate office to provide such services to the Senate office;
(2) the term “electronic communication service” has the meaning given that term in section 2510 of title 18;
(3) the term “Office of the SAA” means the Office of the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate;
(4) the term “provider for a Senate office” means a provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service directly commissioned or used by a Senate office to provide such services;
(5) the term “remote computing service” has the meaning given that term in section 2711 of title 18;
(6) the term “Senate data”, with respect to a Senate office, means any electronic mail or other electronic or data communication, other data (including metadata), or other information of the Senate office; and
(7) the term “Senate office” means a committee or office of the Senate, including a Senator, an officer of the Senate, or an employee of, intern at, or other agent of a committee or office of the Senate.
(b) Treatment(1) Retaining possession(A) In generalA Senate office shall be deemed to retain possession of any Senate data of the Senate office, without regard to the use by the Senate office of any individual or entity described in paragraph (2) for the purposes of any function or service described in paragraph (2).
(B) Rule of constructionSubparagraph (A) shall not be construed to limit the use by an intended recipient of any Senate data from a Senate office.
(2) Sergeant at Arms and providers for a Senate officeThe Office of the SAA, any officer, employee, or agent of the Office of the SAA, and any provider for a Senate office shall not be treated as acquiring possession, custody, or control of any Senate data by reason of its being transmitted, processed, or stored (whether temporarily or otherwise) through the use of an electronic system established, maintained, or operated, or the use of electronic services provided, in whole or in part by the Office of the SAA, the officer, employee, or agent of the Office of the SAA, or the provider for the Senate office.
(c) NotificationNotwithstanding any other provision of law or rule of civil or criminal procedure, the Office of the SAA, any officer, employee, or agent of the Office of the SAA, and any provider for a Senate office that is providing services to or used by a Senate office shall not be barred, through operation of any court order or any statutory provision, from notifying the Senate office of any legal process seeking disclosure of Senate data of the Senate office that is transmitted, processed, or stored (whether temporarily or otherwise) through the use of an electronic system established, maintained, or operated, or the use of electronic services provided, in whole or in part by the Office of the SAA, the officer, employee, or agent of the Office of the SAA, or the provider for a Senate office.
(d) Motions to quash or modifyUpon a motion made promptly by a Senate office or provider for a Senate office, a court of competent jurisdiction shall quash or modify any legal process directed to the provider for a Senate office if compliance with the legal process would require the disclosure of Senate data of the Senate office.
(e) Information regarding implications of using providersThe Office of the SAA, in consultation with the Senate Legal Counsel, shall provide information to each Senate office that commissions or uses a provider of electronic communication service or remote computing service to provide such services to the Senate office regarding the potential constitutional implications and the potential impact on privileges that may be asserted by the Senate office.
(f) Applicable privilegesNothing in this section shall be construed to limit or supersede any applicable privilege, immunity, or other objection that may apply to the disclosure of Senate data.
(g) PreemptionExcept as provided in this section, any provision of law or rule of civil or criminal procedure of any State, political subdivision, or agency thereof, which is inconsistent with this section shall be deemed to be preempted and superseded.
(h) Effective dateThis section shall apply to fiscal year 2005 and each fiscal year thereafter.

Structure US Code

US Code




Part B— General Powers and Duties

§ 6611. Transfer authority and Sergeant at Arms Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Fund

§ 6612. Travel expenses of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate

§ 6613. Advances to Sergeant at Arms of Senate for extraordinary expenses

§ 6614. Funds advanced by Secretary of Senate to Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate to defray office expenses; accountability; maximum amount; vouchers

§ 6615. Deposit of moneys for credit to account within Senate contingent fund for “Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate”

§ 6616. Support services for Senate during emergency; memorandum of understanding with an executive agency

§ 6617. Law enforcement authority of Sergeant-at-Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate

§ 6618. Data processing equipment, software, and services

§ 6619. Advance payments for computer programing services

§ 6620. Provision of services and equipment on a reimbursable basis

§ 6621. Payment for telecommunications equipment and services; definitions

§ 6622. Certification of telecommunications equipment and services as official

§ 6623. Report on telecommunications to Committee on Rules and Administration

§ 6624. Metered charges on copiers; “Sergeant at Arms” and “user” defined; certification of services and equipment as official; deposit of payments; availability for expenditure

§ 6625. Receipts from sales of items by Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate, to Senators, etc., to be credited to appropriation from which purchased

§ 6626. Reimbursements to Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate for equipment provided to Senators, etc., which has been lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise unaccounted for; deposit of receipts

§ 6627. Compensation for lost or damaged property

§ 6628. Treatment of electronic services provided by Sergeant at Arms

§ 6629. Purchase, lease, exchange, maintenance, and operation of vehicles out of account for Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate within Senate contingent fund; authorization of appropriations

§ 6630. Disposal of used or surplus furniture and equipment by Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate; procedure; deposit of receipts

§ 6631. Transfer of excess or surplus educationally useful equipment to public schools

§ 6632. Disposal of used or surplus automobiles and trucks by Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate; procedure; deposit of receipts

§ 6633. Media support services

§ 6634. Senate Hair Care Services

§ 6635. Office of Senate Health Promotion

§ 6636. Senate Computer Center