US Code
§ 6519. McCain-Mansfield and SFC Sean Cooley and SPC Christopher Horton Congressional Gold Star Family Fellowships Programs

(a) DefinitionsIn this section—(1) the term “appropriate committees of the Senate” means the Committee on Appropriations and the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate;
(2) the term “Fellowships Programs” means the SFC Sean Cooley and SPC Christopher Horton Congressional Gold Star Family Fellowship Program (commonly referred to as the “Green and Gold Congressional Aide Program”) established under Senate Resolution 442 (117th Congress), agreed to November 4, 2021, and the McCain-Mansfield Fellowship Program established under Senate Resolution 443 (117th Congress), agreed to November 4, 2021, or any successor program to such programs;
(3) the term “Fund” means the Sergeant at Arms Fellowships Fund established under subsection (b); and
(4) the term “Sergeant at Arms” means the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate.
(b) EstablishmentThere is established under the heading “Contingent Expenses of the Senate” an account to be known as the “sergeant at arms fellowships fund”.
(c) Use of amounts(1) In generalAmounts in the Fund shall be available to the Sergeant at Arms for the costs of compensation of fellows under the Fellowships Programs and the administration of the Fellowships Programs, except as provided in paragraph (2).
(2) Agency contributionsAgency contributions for the Fellowships Programs shall be paid from the appropriations account for “Salaries, Officers and Employees” of the Senate.
(d) OversightThe Sergeant at Arms shall provide to the appropriate committees of the Senate—(1) a plan regarding the administration of the Fund by the Sergeant at Arms prior to obligation of any funds, to be updated and resubmitted following any changes to the plan; and
(2) annual reports regarding the costs of the Fellowships Programs paid from the Fund.
(e) Authorization of appropriationsThere are authorized to be appropriated to the Fund for fiscal year 2023, and each fiscal year thereafter, such sums as are necessary for the compensation of fellows under the Fellowships Programs during the fiscal year and for the administration of the Fellowships Programs.
(f) Exclusion for purposes of staffing limits on the Office of the Sergeant at ArmsThe payment of compensation to any individual serving in a fellowship under the Fellowships Programs by the Sergeant at Arms shall not be included for purposes of any limitation on staffing levels of the Office of the Sergeant at Arms.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 6501. Appointment of consultants by Majority Leader, Minority Leader, Secretary of Senate, and Legislative Counsel of Senate; compensation

§ 6502. Procurement of temporary help

§ 6503. Payments from Senate contingent fund

§ 6504. Committee on Rules and Administration; designation of employees to approve vouchers for payments from Senate contingent fund

§ 6505. Appropriations for contingent expenses of Senate; restrictions

§ 6506. Separate accounts for “Secretary of the Senate” and for “Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of the Senate”; establishment within Senate contingent fund; inclusion of funds in existing accounts

§ 6507. Insurance of office funds of Secretary of Senate and Sergeant at Arms; payment of premiums

§ 6508. Transfers from appropriations account for expenses of Office of Secretary of Senate and Office of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate

§ 6509. Vouchering Senate office charges

§ 6510. Materials, supplies, and fuel payments from Senate contingent fund

§ 6511. Liquidation from appropriations of any unpaid obligations chargeable to rescinded unexpended balances of funds

§ 6512. Expense allowance for Secretary of Senate, Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper of Senate, and Secretaries for Senate Majority and Minority

§ 6513. Per diem and subsistence expenses from Senate contingent fund

§ 6514. Orientation seminars, etc., for new Senators, Senate officials, or members of staffs of Senators or Senate officials; payment of expenses

§ 6515. Payment of fees for services of Attending Physician and for use of Senate health and fitness facilities

§ 6516. Sale of waste paper and condemned furniture

§ 6517. Receipts from sale of used or surplus furniture and furnishings of Senate

§ 6518. Workers compensation payments

§ 6519. McCain-Mansfield and SFC Sean Cooley and SPC Christopher Horton Congressional Gold Star Family Fellowships Programs