(a) Volunteer firefightersThe Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior shall annually offer training programs to certify volunteers for suppressing forest fires on National Forest System lands, National Park System lands and Bureau of Land Management public lands in the event that the appropriate Secretary determines that such volunteers are needed. In carrying out this subsection, the Secretaries should utilize existing authorities to train volunteer firefighters for use in fire emergencies. The Secretaries should assess the capabilities of educational institutions and other public and private organizations to provide such training programs.
(b) “Educational institutions” definedFor the purposes of this section, the term “educational institutions” shall include institutions established pursuant to the Act of July 2, 1862 (7 U.S.C. 301 et seq., commonly known as the “Morrill Act”), or the Act of August 30, 1890 (7 U.S.C. 321 et seq., commonly known as the “Second Morrill Act”).
(c) Mobilization of local equipmentNot later than one year after May 9, 1990—(1) the Secretary of Agriculture shall submit to the Congress information with respect to regions of the National Forest System, and
(2) the Secretary of the Interior shall submit to the Congress information with respect to the Bureau of Land Management public lands on a State-by-State basis and each region of the National Park System
that documents mobilization plans that provide for the use of firefighting equipment in cases of fire emergencies that may occur in each such area that may be highly prone to disastrous forest fires.
(d) Presuppression needsNot later than one year after May 9, 1990, information from the Secretary of Agriculture on presuppression needs for each region of the National Forest System and information from the Secretary of the Interior on the presuppression needs for each region of the National Park System and for each State unit of the Bureau of Land Management shall be submitted to Congress. These reports shall include needs, including an estimate of the funds required, for fire prevention, fuel reduction, training and seasonal fire crews.
Structure US Code
§ 551. Protection of national forests; rules and regulations
§ 551c. Planning for fire protection
§ 551c–1. Limitations on prescribed burns
§ 551d. Wildland firefighter safety
§ 552. Consent to agreement by States for conservation of forests and water supply
§ 552a. Restoration of withdrawn national forest lands to appropriation
§ 552b. Administration of withdrawn lands; rules and regulations
§ 552c. Reimbursement of United States for loss of revenue
§ 552d. Punishment of violations of regulations
§ 553. Duties of officials of Forest Service; stock laws; protection of fish and game
§ 554. Forest supervisors and rangers
§ 554a. Employees to be appointed without regard to political affiliations
§ 554c. Care of employees’ graves
§ 554d. Recreation facilities for employees of Forest Service and their immediate families
§ 554e. Employment of workers for emergencies
§ 555. Forest headquarters, ranger stations, dwellings, or other needed sites
§ 555b. Street improvements; availability of Forest Service funds
§ 556d. Advances of public moneys to Forest Service for fighting forest fires in emergency cases
§ 556e. Emergency appropriations for rehabilitation and wildfire suppression
§ 556f. Expenses of student interns
§ 556g. Reimbursement of employee license costs and certification fees
§ 556h. Recognition of private contributors to Forest Service programs
§ 556i. Transfer of funds made available to Forest Service
§ 557a. Field season contracts; authority to make prior to appropriation
§ 558a. Volunteers in the National Forests Program
§ 558b. Incidental expenses of program volunteers
§ 558c. Employment status of volunteers
§ 558d. Authorization of appropriations
§ 559. Arrests by employees of Forest Service for violations of laws and regulations
§ 559a. Reward for information leading to arrest and conviction for violating laws and regulations
§ 559b. Prevention of manufacture, etc., of marijuana and other controlled substances
§ 559c. Powers of officers and employees of Forest Service
§ 559d. Cooperation with other Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies
§ 559e. Forest Service authorization
§ 559f. Approval of Secretary of Agriculture and Attorney General
§ 559g. Designation authority of Secretary of Agriculture
§ 560. Use of timber for telephone lines for fire protection
§ 562. Forest experiment station in California
§ 562a. Forest experiment station in Ohio and Mississippi Valleys
§ 562b. Forest experiment station in Pennsylvania
§§ 564, 565. Repealed. , formerly § 13(a)(1), , ; renumbered § 16(a)(1), , ,
§ 565a. Cooperation by Secretary of Agriculture with Territories
§ 565a–2. Federal employee status of cooperators
§ 565a–3. Agreements otherwise authorized by law
§ 566. Repealed. , formerly § 13(a)(1), , ; renumbered § 16(a)(1), , ,
§ 567. Repealed. , formerly § 13(a)(1), , ; renumbered § 16(a)(1), , ,
§ 567b. Conditions and requirements for cooperation in acquisition and management of State forests
§ 568a. Cooperation by Secretary of Agriculture with Territories and other possessions
§§ 568c to 568e. Repealed. , (5), formerly § 13(a)(4), (5), , ; renumbered § 16(a)(4), (5), , ,
§ 569. Donations to United States of lands for timber purposes
§ 571c. Erection of permanent facilities on land not owned by United States; long term leases
§ 572a. Deposits from timber purchasers to defray cost of scaling services
§ 576a. Authorization of appropriation for reforestation
§ 577. Public lands in northern Minnesota; withdrawal from entry and appropriation
§ 577c. Acquisition of additional lands in northern Minnesota
§ 577d. Boundary limits of additional lands acquired in northern Minnesota
§ 577d–1. Extension to other sections of land
§ 577e. Approval by National Forest Reservation Commission for acquisition of additional lands
§ 577g. Payment for additional lands acquired in northern Minnesota
§ 577g–1. Payment to State of Minnesota for extension to other sections of land
§ 579a. Operation of aerial facilities and services
§ 579c. Availability of funds received from forfeitures, judgments, compromises, or settlements
§ 579c–1. Forest Service interest bearing account
§ 579d. Indirect expenditures; future budget justifications
§ 579e. Forest service budget restructure
§ 580b. Forest Service telephone lines; correction of inductive interference
§ 580c. Purchases of experimental materials, special devices, test models, etc.
§ 580f. Telephones for official use in private residences
§ 580g. Seeding leased range land; conditions and limitations
§ 580h. Range improvements from appropriated funds
§ 580i. Acquisition of winter range, land, and helicopter landing site
§ 580j. Injury benefits for temporary employees
§ 580k. Grazing advisory boards
§ 580l. Permits for grazing livestock on national forests
§ 580o. Forest Service appropriations
§ 580p. “Woodsy Owl” and “Smokey Bear” characters and names; definitions
§ 580p–1. Property of the United States
§ 580p–2. Deposit of fees collected under regulations relating to “Smokey Bear”; availability
§ 580p–3. Use of royalty fees; special account
§ 580p–4. Injunction against unauthorized manufacture, use, or reproduction