US Code
Part A— Financial Stability Oversight Council
§ 5334. Data standards

(a) DefinitionsIn this section—(1) the term “covered agencies” means—(A) the Department of the Treasury;
(B) the Board of Governors;
(C) the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency;
(D) the Bureau;
(E) the Commission;
(F) the Corporation;
(G) the Federal Housing Finance Agency;
(H) the National Credit Union Administration Board; and
(I) any other primary financial regulatory agency designated by the Secretary;
(2) the terms “data asset”, “machine-readable”, “metadata”, and “open license” have the meanings given the terms in section 3502 of title 44; and
(3) the term “data standard” means a standard that specifies rules by which data is described and recorded.
(b) Rules(1) Proposed rulesNot later than 18 months after December 23, 2022, the heads of the covered agencies shall jointly issue proposed rules for public comment that establish data standards for—(A) the collections of information reported to each covered agency by financial entities under the jurisdiction of the covered agency; and
(B) the data collected from covered agencies on behalf of the Council.
(2) Final rulesNot later than 2 years after December 23, 2022, the heads of the covered agencies shall jointly promulgate final rules that establish the data standards described in paragraph (1).
(c) Data standards(1) Common identifiers; qualityThe data standards established in the final rules promulgated under subsection (b)(2) shall—(A) include common identifiers for collections of information reported to covered agencies or collected on behalf of the Council, which shall include a common nonproprietary legal entity identifier that is available under an open license for all entities required to report to covered agencies; and
(B) to the extent practicable—(i) render data fully searchable and machine-readable;
(ii) enable high quality data through schemas, with accompanying metadata documented in machine-readable taxonomy or ontology models, which clearly define the semantic meaning of the data, as defined by the underlying regulatory information collection requirements;
(iii) ensure that a data element or data asset that exists to satisfy an underlying regulatory information collection requirement be consistently identified as such in associated machine-readable metadata;
(iv) be nonproprietary or made available under an open license;
(v) incorporate standards developed and maintained by voluntary consensus standards bodies; and
(vi) use, be consistent with, and implement applicable accounting and reporting principles.
(2) Consultation; interoperabilityIn establishing data standards in the final rules promulgated under subsection (b)(2), the heads of the covered agencies shall—(A) consult with other Federal departments and agencies and multi-agency initiatives responsible for Federal data standards; and
(B) seek to promote interoperability of financial regulatory data across members of the Council.
(d) Effective dateThe data standards established in the final rules promulgated under subsection (b)(2) shall take effect not later than 2 years after the date on which those final rules are promulgated under that subsection.