US Code
§ 509B. Section to enforce human rights laws

(a) Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of the Human Rights Enforcement Act of 2009, the Attorney General shall establish a section within the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice with responsibility for the enforcement of laws against suspected participants in serious human rights offenses.
(b) The section established under subsection (a) is authorized to—(1) take appropriate legal action against individuals suspected of participating in serious human rights offenses; and
(2) coordinate any such legal action with the United States Attorney for the relevant jurisdiction.
(c) The Attorney General shall, as appropriate, consult with the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of State.
(d) In determining the appropriate legal action to take against individuals who are suspected of committing serious human rights offenses under Federal law, the section shall take into consideration the availability of criminal prosecution under the laws of the United States for such offenses or in a foreign jurisdiction that is prepared to undertake a prosecution for the conduct that forms the basis for such offenses.
(e) The term “serious human rights offenses” includes violations of Federal criminal laws relating to genocide, torture, war crimes, and the use or recruitment of child soldiers under sections 1091, 2340, 2340A, 2441, and 2442 of title 18, United States Code.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 501. Executive department

§ 502. Seal

§ 503. Attorney General

§ 504. Deputy Attorney General

§ 504a. Associate Attorney General

§ 505. Solicitor General

§ 506. Assistant Attorneys General

§ 507. Assistant Attorney General for Administration

§ 507A. Assistant Attorney General for National Security

§ 508. Vacancies

§ 509. Functions of the Attorney General

§ 509A. National Security Division

§ 509B. Section to enforce human rights laws

§ 510. Delegation of authority

§ 511. Attorney General to advise the President

§ 512. Attorney General to advise heads of executive departments

§ 513. Attorney General to advise Secretaries of military departments

§ 514. Legal services on pending claims in departments and agencies

§ 515. Authority for legal proceedings; commission, oath, and salary for special attorneys

§ 516. Conduct of litigation reserved to Department of Justice

§ 517. Interests of United States in pending suits

§ 518. Conduct and argument of cases

§ 519. Supervision of litigation

§ 520. Transmission of petitions in United States Court of Federal Claims or in United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit; statement furnished by departments

§ 521. Publication and distribution of opinions

§ 522. Report of business and statistics

§ 523. Requisitions

§ 524. Availability of appropriations

§ 525. Procurement of law books, reference books, and periodicals; sale and exchange

§ 526. Authority of Attorney General to investigate United States attorneys, marshals, trustees, clerks of court, and others

§ 527. Establishment of working capital fund

§ 528. Disqualification of officers and employees of the Department of Justice

§ 529. Annual report of Attorney General

§ 530. Payment of travel and transportation expenses of newly appointed special agents

§ 530A. Authorization of appropriations for travel and related expenses and for health care of personnel serving abroad

§ 530B. Ethical standards for attorneys for the Government

§ 530C. Authority to use available funds

§ 530D. Report on enforcement of laws