US Code
§ 460u–21. Public access study

(a) Preservation of Park and conservation of energyThe Secretary in consultation with the Secretary of Transportation, shall conduct a study of various modes of public access into and within the lakeshore which are consistent with the preservation of the Park and conservation of energy by encouraging the use of transportation modes other than personal motor vehicles.
(b) Utilization of clearinghouse resources and facilitiesIn carrying out the study, the Secretary shall utilize to the greatest extent practicable the resources and facilities of the organizations designated as clearinghouses under section 6506 of title 31 as implemented by Office of Management and Budget Circular A–95, and which have comprehensive planning responsibilities in the regions where the Park is located, as well as any other agencies or organizations which the Secretary may designate. The Secretary shall make provision for timely and substantive consultations with the appropriate agencies of the States of Indiana and Illinois, local elected officials, and the general public in the formulation and implementation of the study.
(c) Adequacy of access facilitiesThe study shall address the adequacy of access facilities for members of the public who desire to visit and enjoy the Park. Consideration shall be given to alternatives for alleviating the dependence on automobile transportation. The study of public transportation facilities shall cover the distance from cities of thirty-five thousand population or more within fifty miles of the Park.
(d) Access proposals; retention of Park valuesThe study shall include proposals deemed necessary to assure equitable visitor access and public enjoyment by all segments of the population, including those who are physically or economically disadvantaged. It shall provide for retention of the natural, scenic, and historic values for which the Park was established, and shall propose plans and alternatives for the protection and maintenance of these values as they relate to transportation improvements.
(e) Renovation and preservation of South Shore RailroadThe study shall examine proposals for the renovation and preservation of a portion of the existing South Shore Railroad passenger car fleet. The study shall consider the historic value of the existing rolling stock and its role in transporting visitors into and within the Park.
(f) Alternative improvement plans; cost estimates; sources of fundingThe study shall present alternative plans to improve, construct, and extend access roads, public transportation, and bicycle and pedestrian trails. It shall include cost estimates of all plans considered in this study, and shall discuss existing and proposed sources of funding for the implementation of the recommended plan alternatives.
(g) Submittal to CongressThe study shall be completed and presented to the Congress within two complete fiscal years from the effective date of this provision.
(h) Authorization of appropriationsEffective October 1, 1981, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated not to exceed $200,000 for this study.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 460u. Establishment; description of area

§ 460u–1. Acquisition of property

§ 460u–2. Direction for establishment; publication in Federal Register; continuing acquisition of lands

§ 460u–3. “Improved property” and “appropriate map” defined; terms and conditions for rights of use and occupancy

§ 460u–4. Repealed. , ,

§ 460u–5. Owner’s retention of right of use and occupancy for residential purposes

§ 460u–6. Administration

§ 460u–7. Indiana Dunes National Park Advisory Commission

§ 460u–8. State jurisdiction

§ 460u–9. Authorization of appropriations; general management plan; submittal to Congressional committees; feasibility study

§ 460u–10. Rights-of-way and easements; existing property rights of Northern Indiana Public Service Company

§ 460u–11. Legal cooling, process, or surface drainage into Little Calumet River; Federal, State or local air and water pollution standards not affected

§ 460u–12. Repealed. , ,

§ 460u–13. Acquisition of area I–C; owner consent required

§ 460u–14. Plan, lands acquired, land acquisition program; submittal to Congressional committees

§ 460u–15. Rights-of-way; public access to Little Calumet River

§ 460u–16. Road construction cooperative agreements with landowners north of Little Calumet River; prevention of soil erosion; minimization of aural and visual impact

§ 460u–17. Lands within area I–E used for solid waste disposal

§ 460u–18. Study of areas III–A, III–C, and II–A; report to Congressional committees

§ 460u–19. Acquisition of land outside present boundaries; notice to Congressional committees; publication in Federal Register

§ 460u–20. Paul H. Douglas Ecological and Recreational Unit and Center for Environmental Education

§ 460u–21. Public access study

§ 460u–22. Consideration of property owner’s hardship in property acquisition

§ 460u–23. Acquisition of interest in area VII–A

§ 460u–24. Little Calumet River and Burns/Portage Waterway

§ 460u–25. Cooperative agreement with Gary, Indiana

§ 460u–26. Units VII–D and I–M