US Code
§ 460u–20. Paul H. Douglas Ecological and Recreational Unit and Center for Environmental Education

(a) Dedication of ParkThe Indiana Dunes National Park is hereby dedicated to the memory of Paul H. Douglas in grateful recognition of his leadership in the effort to protect, preserve, and enhance the natural, scientific, historic, and recreational value of the Park for the use, enjoyment, and edification of present and future generations.
(b) EstablishmentTo further accomplish the purposes of subsection (a) of this section, the Secretary of the Interior shall designate the west unit of the Park as the “Paul H. Douglas Ecological and Recreational Unit” and shall, subject to appropriations being granted, design and construct a suitable structure or designate an existing structure within the Park to be known as the “Paul H. Douglas Center for Environmental Education” which shall provide facilities designed primarily to familiarize students and other visitors with, among other things: (1) the natural history of the Park and its association with the natural history of the Great Lakes region; (2) the evolution of human activities in the area; and (3) the historical features which led to the establishment of the Park by the Congress of the United States.
(c) Preparation of informative materialsTo inform the public of the contributions of Paul H. Douglas to the creation of the Park, the Secretary of the Interior shall provide such signs, markers, maps, interpretive materials, literature, and programs as he deems appropriate.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 460u. Establishment; description of area

§ 460u–1. Acquisition of property

§ 460u–2. Direction for establishment; publication in Federal Register; continuing acquisition of lands

§ 460u–3. “Improved property” and “appropriate map” defined; terms and conditions for rights of use and occupancy

§ 460u–4. Repealed. , ,

§ 460u–5. Owner’s retention of right of use and occupancy for residential purposes

§ 460u–6. Administration

§ 460u–7. Indiana Dunes National Park Advisory Commission

§ 460u–8. State jurisdiction

§ 460u–9. Authorization of appropriations; general management plan; submittal to Congressional committees; feasibility study

§ 460u–10. Rights-of-way and easements; existing property rights of Northern Indiana Public Service Company

§ 460u–11. Legal cooling, process, or surface drainage into Little Calumet River; Federal, State or local air and water pollution standards not affected

§ 460u–12. Repealed. , ,

§ 460u–13. Acquisition of area I–C; owner consent required

§ 460u–14. Plan, lands acquired, land acquisition program; submittal to Congressional committees

§ 460u–15. Rights-of-way; public access to Little Calumet River

§ 460u–16. Road construction cooperative agreements with landowners north of Little Calumet River; prevention of soil erosion; minimization of aural and visual impact

§ 460u–17. Lands within area I–E used for solid waste disposal

§ 460u–18. Study of areas III–A, III–C, and II–A; report to Congressional committees

§ 460u–19. Acquisition of land outside present boundaries; notice to Congressional committees; publication in Federal Register

§ 460u–20. Paul H. Douglas Ecological and Recreational Unit and Center for Environmental Education

§ 460u–21. Public access study

§ 460u–22. Consideration of property owner’s hardship in property acquisition

§ 460u–23. Acquisition of interest in area VII–A

§ 460u–24. Little Calumet River and Burns/Portage Waterway

§ 460u–25. Cooperative agreement with Gary, Indiana

§ 460u–26. Units VII–D and I–M