US Code
§ 459h–1. Acquisition of property

(a) Authority of Secretary; concurrence of State owner; administrative site and related facilities; transfer from Federal agency to administrative jurisdiction of SecretaryWithin the boundaries of the seashore, the Secretary may acquire submerged land, land, waters, and interests therein by donation, purchase with donated or appropriated funds, or exchange, except that property owned by a State or any political subdivision thereof may be acquired only with the consent of the owner. The Secretary may acquire by any of the above methods not more than four hundred acres of land or interests therein outside of the seashore boundaries on the mainland in the vicinity of Biloxi-Gulfport, Mississippi, for an administrative site and related facilities for access to the seashore. With the concurrence of the agency having custody thereof, any Federal property within the seashore and mainland site may be transferred without consideration to the administrative jurisdiction of the Secretary for the purposes of the seashore.
(b) Improved residential property owner’s reservation of right of use and occupancy for residential purposes for life or fixed term of years; election by owner; transfer or assignment of right; adjustment of compensationWith respect to improved residential property acquired for the purposes of sections 459h to 459h–10 of this title, which is beneficially owned by a natural person and which the Secretary of the Interior determines can be continued in that use for a limited period of time without undue interference with the administration, development, or public use of the seashore, the owner thereof may on the date of its acquisition by the Secretary retain a right of use and occupancy of the property for noncommercial residential purposes for a term, as the owner may elect, ending either (1) at the death of the owner or his spouse, whichever occurs later, or (2) not more than twenty-five years from the date of acquisition. Any right so retained may during its existence be transferred or assigned. The Secretary shall pay to the owner the fair market value of the property on the date of such acquisition, less their 11 So in original. Probably should be “the”. fair market value on such date of the right retained by the owner.
(c) “Improved residential property” definedAs used in sections 459h to 459h–10 of this title, “improved residential property” means a single-family year-round dwelling, the construction of which began before January 1, 1967, and which serves as the owner’s permanent place of abode at the time of its acquisition by the United States, together with not more than three acres of land on which the dwelling and appurtenant buildings are located that the Secretary finds is reasonably necessary for the owner’s continued use and occupancy of the dwelling: Provided, That the Secretary may exclude from improved residential property any marsh, beach, or waters and adjoining land that the Secretary deems is necessary for public access to such marsh, beach, or waters.
(d) Termination of use and occupancy inconsistent with statutory purposes and upon tender of sum for unexpired rightThe Secretary may terminate a right of use and occupancy retained pursuant to this section upon his determination that such use and occupancy is being exercised in a manner not consistent with the purposes of sections 459h to 459h–10 of this title, and upon tender to the holder of the right an amount equal to the fair market value of that portion of the right which remains unexpired on the date of termination.
(e) Acquisition authority(1) In generalThe Secretary may acquire, from a willing seller only—(A) all land comprising the parcel described in subsection (b)(3) 22 See References in Text note below. that is above the mean line of ordinary high tide, lying and being situated in Harrison County, Mississippi;
(B) an easement over the approximately 150-acre parcel depicted as the “Boddie Family Tract” on the Cat Island Map for the purpose of implementing an agreement with the owners of the parcel concerning the development and use of the parcel; and
(C)(i) land and interests in land on Cat Island outside the 2,000-acre area depicted on the Cat Island Map; and
(ii) submerged land that lies within 1 mile seaward of Cat Island (referred to in sections 459h to 459h–10 of this title 2 as the “buffer zone”), except that submerged land owned by the State of Mississippi (or a subdivision of the State) may be acquired only by donation.
(2) Administration(A) In generalLand and interests in land acquired under this subsection shall be administered by the Secretary, acting through the Director of the National Park Service.
(B) Buffer zoneNothing in sections 459h to 459h–10 of this title 2 or any other provision of law shall require the State of Mississippi to convey to the Secretary any right, title, or interest in or to the buffer zone as a condition for the establishment of the buffer zone.
(3) Modification of boundaryThe boundary of the seashore shall be modified to reflect the acquisition of land under this subsection only after completion of the acquisition.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 459. Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreational Area; conditional establishment; acquisition of lands

§ 459a. Acceptance of donations; acquisition of property by purchase and condemnation

§ 459a–1. Administration, protection, and development; commercial fishing by residents; hunting

§ 459a–2. Preservation of natural features; acquisition of additional property; reversion of property on failure of conditions

§ 459a–3. Migratory bird refuges not to be affected

§ 459a–4. Omitted

§ 459a–5. Addition of lands; Naval Amphibious Training Station

§ 459a–5a. Addition of lands; Hatteras

§ 459a–6. Acquisition of non-Federal land within boundaries of recreational area

§ 459a–7. Availability of appropriations

§ 459a–8. Limitation on expenditure

§ 459a–9. Conveyance of land for improvement with public health facility; reversion; consideration; status of property upon transfer of title

§ 459a–10. Transfer of Ocracoke Light Station to Secretary of the Interior

§ 459b. Cape Cod National Seashore; description of area

§ 459b–1. Acquisition of property

§ 459b–2. Establishment

§ 459b–3. Acquisition by condemnation

§ 459b–4. Zoning regulations

§ 459b–5. Certificate of suspension of authority for acquisition by condemnation

§ 459b–6. Administration of acquired property

§ 459b–7. Cape Cod National Seashore Advisory Commission

§ 459b–8. Authorization of appropriations

§ 459c. Point Reyes National Seashore; purposes; authorization for establishment

§ 459c–1. Description of area

§ 459c–2. Acquisition of property

§ 459c–3. Repealed. , ,

§ 459c–4. Point Reyes National Seashore

§ 459c–5. Owner’s reservation of right of use and occupancy for fixed term of years or life

§ 459c–6. Administration of property

§ 459c–6a. The Clem Miller Environmental Education Center; designation

§ 459c–6b. Cooperation with utilities district; land use and occupancy; terms and conditions

§ 459c–7. Authorization of appropriations; restriction on use of land

§ 459d. Padre Island National Seashore; description of land and waters

§ 459d–1. Acquisition of property

§ 459d–2. Establishment

§ 459d–3. Reservation of oil, gas, and other minerals

§ 459d–4. Administration; utilization of authority for conservation and management of natural resources

§ 459d–5. Roadways to access highways from mainland

§ 459d–6. Aerial gunnery and bombing range agreements of Secretary of the Interior and Secretary of the Navy

§ 459d–7. Authorization of appropriations

§ 459e. Fire Island National Seashore

§ 459e–1. Acquisition of property

§ 459e–2. Zoning regulations

§ 459e–3. Retention by owner of right of use and occupancy of improved property for residential purposes

§ 459e–4. Hunting and fishing regulations

§ 459e–5. Acceptance of donations

§ 459e–6. Administration, protection, and development

§ 459e–7. Shore erosion control or beach protection measures; Fire Island inlet

§ 459e–8. Omitted

§ 459e–9. Authorization of appropriations

§ 459e–10. Authority to accept donation of William Floyd Estate

§ 459e–11. Authority to accept donation of main dwelling on William Floyd Estate; lease-back of donated property

§ 459e–12. Administration of property of William Floyd Estate; detached unit

§ 459f. Assateague Island National Seashore; purposes; description of area

§ 459f–1. Acquisition of property

§ 459f–2. Compensation for bridge construction costs; acquisition of land for park purposes

§ 459f–3. Establishment of Seashore; notice in Federal Register

§ 459f–4. Hunting and fishing provisions

§ 459f–5. Administration of Seashore

§ 459f–6. Repealed. , ,

§ 459f–7. Beach erosion control and hurricane protection

§ 459f–8. Repealed. , ,

§ 459f–9. Public utility facilities; purchase of facilities without value to utility; amount of payment

§ 459f–10. Authorization of appropriations

§ 459f–11. Comprehensive plan for protection, management, and use of seashore

§ 459g. Cape Lookout National Seashore; purposes; authorization for establishment; description of area

§ 459g–1. Acquisition of property

§ 459g–2. Establishment; notice in Federal Register; copies to Congress

§ 459g–3. Hunting and fishing provisions

§ 459g–4. Administration; public outdoor recreation and enjoyment; utilization of authorities for conservation and development of natural resources

§ 459g–5. Shore erosion control or beach protection measures

§ 459g–6. Preservation and designation as wilderness; review of area by Secretary; report to President

§ 459g–7. Authorization of appropriations; master plan to Congressional committees; time; contents

§ 459h. Gulf Islands National Seashore

§ 459h–1. Acquisition of property

§ 459h–2. Designation of hunting and fishing zones; regulation of maritime activities

§ 459h–3. Rights-of-way or easements for transportation of oil and gas minerals

§ 459h–4. Administration of seashore; conservation and management of wildlife and natural resources; authority to designate areas as national historic sites; agreements

§ 459h–5. Beach erosion control and hurricane protection; study and formulation of plans; activities by Chief of Engineers, Department of Army

§ 459h–6. Transfer of Horn Island and Petit Bois National Wildlife Refuges from National Wildlife Refuge System; administration

§ 459h–7. Preservation of any area as wilderness; study and report to President; procedure for designation of any area as a wilderness

§ 459h–8. Authority of Department of Army or Chief of Engineers over navigation or related matters

§ 459h–9. Gulf Islands National Seashore Advisory Commission; establishment; termination; membership; term; Chairman; compensation and payment of expenses; consultation by Secretary

§ 459h–10. Authorization of appropriations

§ 459i. Cumberland Island National Seashore; establishment; boundary revisions: notification of Congressional committees, publication in Federal Register

§ 459i–1. Acquisition of lands; authority of Secretary; mainland lands for access to seashore administrative and visitor facilities; State lands; transfer from Federal agency to administrative jurisdiction of Secretary

§ 459i–2. Cumberland Island Parkway; right-of-way; administration; regulations

§ 459i–3. Acquisition of property

§ 459i–4. Hunting and fishing

§ 459i–5. Administration, protection, and development

§ 459i–6. State and local jurisdiction

§ 459i–7. Water resource developments

§ 459i–8. Report to President

§ 459i–9. Authorization of appropriations

§ 459j. Canaveral National Seashore; establishment; boundary; boundary revisions; limitation on area

§ 459j–1. Acquisition of property; donation and development of State lands; transfer from Federal agency to administrative jurisdiction of Secretary; written cooperative agreement with National Aeronautics and Space Administration; construction and development; report to Congressional committees

§ 459j–2. Improved property

§ 459j–3. Designation of hunting, fishing and trapping zones; regulations; consultation with appropriate State agencies

§ 459j–4. Administration, protection, and development

§ 459j–5. Canaveral National Seashore Advisory Commission

§ 459j–6. Transfer of lands for use as administrative and visitor facilities to Secretary of the Interior; use of portion of John F. Kennedy Space Center; transfer of excess land within seashore to Secretary of the Interior

§ 459j–7. Report to President

§ 459j–8. Authorization of appropriations; reports to Congressional committees