US Code
§ 403c–1. Respective jurisdiction of Virginia and United States over lands in Shenandoah Park

(a) The United States shall have exclusive jurisdiction, legislative, executive, and judicial, with respect to the commission of crimes, and the arrest, trial, and punishment therefor, and exclusive general police jurisdiction thereover.
(b) The United States shall have the power to regulate or prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages on said lands: Provided, however, That, if the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited by general law in the Commonwealth of Virginia outside of said lands, no such alcoholic beverages shall be sold on said lands contained in said park area: And provided further, That, if the general laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia permit the sale of alcoholic beverages, then the regulations of the United States relating to such sales on said lands shall conform as nearly as possible to the regulatory provisions in accordance with which such sales are permitted in the Commonwealth of Virginia outside of said park lands. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as reserving in the Commonwealth power to require licenses of persons engaged in the sale of intoxicating beverages on said lands, nor the power to require that any sales be made through official liquor stores.
(c) The Commonwealth of Virginia shall have jurisdiction to serve civil process within the limits of said park in any suits properly instituted in any of the courts of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and to serve criminal process within said limits in any suits or prosecutions for or on account of crimes committed in said Commonwealth but outside of said park.
(d) The Commonwealth of Virginia shall have the jurisdiction and power to levy a nondiscriminatory tax on all alcoholic beverages possessed or sold on said lands.
(e) The Commonwealth of Virginia shall have jurisdiction and power to tax the sales of oil and gasoline, and other motor-vehicle fuels and lubricants for use in motor vehicles. This subsection shall not be construed as a consent by the United States to the taxation by the Commonwealth of such sales for the exclusive use of the United States.
(f) The Commonwealth of Virginia shall have the jurisdiction and power to levy nondiscriminatory taxes on private individuals, associations, and corporations, their franchises and properties, on said lands, and on their businesses conducted thereon.
(g) The courts of the Commonwealth of Virginia shall have concurrent jurisdiction with the courts of the United States of all civil causes of action arising on said lands to the same extent as if the cause of action had arisen in the county or city in which the land lies outside the park area, and the State officers shall have jurisdiction to enforce on said lands the judgments of said State courts and the collection of taxes by appropriate process.
(h) Persons residing in or on any of the said lands embraced in said Shenandoah National Park shall have the right to establish a voting residence in Virginia by reason thereof, and the consequent right to vote at all elections within the county or city in which said land or lands upon which they reside are located upon like terms and conditions, and to the same extent, as they would be entitled to vote in such county or city if the said lands on which they reside had not been deeded or conveyed to the United States of America. All fugitives from justice taking refuge in the park shall be subject to the same laws as refugees from justice found in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 403. Establishment; boundaries

§ 403–1. Addition of lands to Shenandoah National Park

§ 403–2. Exchange of lands within Shenandoah National Park

§ 403–3. Addition of lands to Shenandoah National Park; administration

§ 403a. Acceptance of title to lands

§ 403b. Administration, protection, and development; Federal Power Act inapplicable; minimum area

§ 403c. Omitted

§ 403c–1. Respective jurisdiction of Virginia and United States over lands in Shenandoah Park

§ 403c–2. Repealed. , , eff.

§ 403c–3. Criminal offenses concerning hunting, fishing, and property

§ 403c–4. Forfeiture of property used in commission of offenses

§§ 403c–5 to 403c–11. Repealed. , , eff.

§ 403d. Lease of lands within Shenandoah National Park and Great Smoky Mountains National Park

§ 403e. Acceptance of title to lands; reservations; leases; rights-of-way and easements

§ 403f. Great Smoky Mountains National Park; extension of boundaries

§ 403g. Establishment; minimum area

§ 403g–1. Exchange of lands

§ 403h. Inclusion of acquired lands

§ 403h–1. Acceptance of jurisdiction by United States; saving provisions

§ 403h–2. Repealed. , , eff.

§ 403h–3. Hunting, fishing, etc.; rules and regulations; protection of property; penalties for violating laws and rules

§ 403h–4. Forfeiture of property used in commission of offenses

§§ 403h–5 to 403h–9. Repealed. , , eff.

§ 403h–10. Notice to Governors of North Carolina and Tennessee; application of sections 403h–3 and 403h–4 to subsequent lands accepted

§ 403h–11. Further additions for construction of scenic parkway

§ 403h–12. Entrance road to Cataloochee section

§ 403h–13. Authorization of appropriations

§ 403h–14. Authorization to transfer additional lands for scenic parkway

§ 403h–15. Conveyances to Tennessee of lands within Great Smoky Mountains National Park

§ 403h–16. Reconveyance of rights-of-way and lands for control of landslides along Gatlinburg Spur of the Foothills Parkway; conditions

§ 403h–17. Elimination of lands from Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Gatlinburg Spur of the Foothills Parkway

§ 403i. Secretary of the Interior authorized to purchase necessary lands

§ 403j. Authorization of appropriation

§ 403k. Boundary between Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Cherokee-Pisgah-Nantahala National Forests

§ 403k–1. Laws applicable

§ 403k–2. Addition of lands to Great Smoky Mountains National Park

§ 403k–3. Palmer’s Chapel in Cataloochee Valley of Great Smoky Mountains National Park; protection and continued use; communication of Chapel history to visitors