US Code
§ 403–2. Exchange of lands within Shenandoah National Park

The Secretary of the Interior may accept title to approximately 37.44 acres of land within the authorized boundaries of the Shenandoah National Park, said land fronting on United States Highway Numbered 211 and being more particularly described as follows:Beginning at park monument H–8, thence with the park boundary line the following courses and distances: north 51 degrees 57 minutes, east 2,242.0 feet to park monument H–9; south 26 degrees 40 minutes, east 51.0 feet to park monument H–10; south 32 degrees 40 minutes, east 340.0 feet to park monument H–11; south 11 degrees 35 minutes, east 190.0 feet to park monument H–12; south 41 degrees 26 minutes, east 329.0 feet to park monument H–13; thence crossing Pass Run south 57 degrees 00 minutes 36 seconds, west 1,871.32 feet to a marked white oak tree near the northeast edge of the fire road on top of Piney Mountain, thence north 58 degrees 36 minutes, west 771.16 feet to the point of beginning.In exchange for the aforesaid land the Secretary is authorized to convey on the basis of approximately equal values a parcel of park land containing approximately 38.58 acres, being more particularly described as follows:Beginning at park monument P–153, a point in the center of Route 666, Virginia Department of Highways, thence with the park boundary line the following courses and distances: north 66 degrees 27 minutes, west 345.0 feet to park monument P–152; north 41 degrees 08 minutes, east 705.0 feet to park monument P–151; north 63 degrees 01 minutes, west 302.0 feet to park monument P–150; north 30 degrees 38 minutes, east 1,110.0 feet to park monument P–149; south 74 degrees 36 minutes, east 443.0 feet to park monument P–148; north 41 degrees 33 minutes, east 109.0 feet to park monument P–147; south 69 degrees 50 minutes, east 668.0 feet to the center of the said Route 666; thence leaving the courses of the park boundary line and following the alinement of said Route 666 for the following courses and distances; south 36 degrees 26 minutes, west 436.0 feet; south 33 degrees 45 minutes, west 398.0 feet; south 29 degrees 39 minutes, west 388.0 feet; south 13 degrees, 55 minutes, west 100.0 feet; south 04 degrees 16 minutes, west 70.0 feet; south 32 degrees 37 minutes, west 49.0 feet; north 89 degrees 45 minutes, west 43.0 feet; north 66 degrees 43 minutes, west 50.0 feet; north 89 degrees 26 minutes, west 100.0 feet; north 73 degrees 39 minutes, west 78.0 feet; north 84 degrees 11 minutes, west 45.0 feet; south 72 degrees 08 minutes, west 100.0 feet; south 43 degrees 17 minutes, west 50.0 feet; south 30 degrees 57 minutes, west 73.0 feet; south 47 degrees 22 minutes, west 70.0 feet; south 65 degrees 32 minutes, west 68.0 feet; south 80 degrees 05 minutes, west 130.0 feet; south 51 degrees 40 minutes, west 118.0 feet; south 66 degrees 51 minutes, west 36.0 feet; to the point of beginning.

Structure US Code

US Code




§ 403. Establishment; boundaries

§ 403–1. Addition of lands to Shenandoah National Park

§ 403–2. Exchange of lands within Shenandoah National Park

§ 403–3. Addition of lands to Shenandoah National Park; administration

§ 403a. Acceptance of title to lands

§ 403b. Administration, protection, and development; Federal Power Act inapplicable; minimum area

§ 403c. Omitted

§ 403c–1. Respective jurisdiction of Virginia and United States over lands in Shenandoah Park

§ 403c–2. Repealed. , , eff.

§ 403c–3. Criminal offenses concerning hunting, fishing, and property

§ 403c–4. Forfeiture of property used in commission of offenses

§§ 403c–5 to 403c–11. Repealed. , , eff.

§ 403d. Lease of lands within Shenandoah National Park and Great Smoky Mountains National Park

§ 403e. Acceptance of title to lands; reservations; leases; rights-of-way and easements

§ 403f. Great Smoky Mountains National Park; extension of boundaries

§ 403g. Establishment; minimum area

§ 403g–1. Exchange of lands

§ 403h. Inclusion of acquired lands

§ 403h–1. Acceptance of jurisdiction by United States; saving provisions

§ 403h–2. Repealed. , , eff.

§ 403h–3. Hunting, fishing, etc.; rules and regulations; protection of property; penalties for violating laws and rules

§ 403h–4. Forfeiture of property used in commission of offenses

§§ 403h–5 to 403h–9. Repealed. , , eff.

§ 403h–10. Notice to Governors of North Carolina and Tennessee; application of sections 403h–3 and 403h–4 to subsequent lands accepted

§ 403h–11. Further additions for construction of scenic parkway

§ 403h–12. Entrance road to Cataloochee section

§ 403h–13. Authorization of appropriations

§ 403h–14. Authorization to transfer additional lands for scenic parkway

§ 403h–15. Conveyances to Tennessee of lands within Great Smoky Mountains National Park

§ 403h–16. Reconveyance of rights-of-way and lands for control of landslides along Gatlinburg Spur of the Foothills Parkway; conditions

§ 403h–17. Elimination of lands from Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Gatlinburg Spur of the Foothills Parkway

§ 403i. Secretary of the Interior authorized to purchase necessary lands

§ 403j. Authorization of appropriation

§ 403k. Boundary between Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Cherokee-Pisgah-Nantahala National Forests

§ 403k–1. Laws applicable

§ 403k–2. Addition of lands to Great Smoky Mountains National Park

§ 403k–3. Palmer’s Chapel in Cataloochee Valley of Great Smoky Mountains National Park; protection and continued use; communication of Chapel history to visitors