It is the policy of Congress to continue the agricultural research at State agricultural experiment stations which has been encouraged and supported by the Hatch Act of 1887 [ et seq.], the Adams Act of 1906, the Purnell Act of 1925, the Bankhead-Jones Act of 1935, and title I, section 9, of that Act as added by the Act of , and Acts amendatory and supplementary thereto, and to promote the efficiency of such research by a codification and simplification of such laws. As used in this Act [ et seq.], the terms “State” or “States” are defined to include the several States (including the District of Columbia), Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands. As used in this Act [ et seq.], the term “State agricultural experiment station” means a department which shall have been established, under direction of the college or university or agricultural departments of the college or university in each State in accordance with an Act approved , (), entitled “An Act donating public lands to the several States and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts” [ et seq.]; or such other substantially equivalent arrangements as any State shall determine.
Structure US Code
§ 361a. Congressional declaration of purpose; definitions
§ 361b. Congressional statement of policy; researches, investigations and experiments
§ 361c. Authorization of appropriations and allotments of grants
§ 361f. Publications of experiment stations; free mailing
§ 361g. Duties of Secretary; ascertainment of entitlement of State to funds; plans of work
§ 361h. Relation of college or university to State unaffected; division of appropriations
§ 361i. Power to amend, repeal, etc., reserved
§§ 382, 383. Repealed. , , 675
§ 384. Card index of agricultural literature; copies to be furnished by Secretary