US Code
§ 31l. Earth Mapping Resources Initiative

(a) Definition of critical mineralIn this section, the term “critical mineral” has the meaning given the term in section 1606(a) of title 30.
(b) EstablishmentThere is established within the United States Geological Survey an initiative, to be known as the “Earth Mapping Resources Initiative” (referred to in this section as the “Initiative”).
(c) PurposeThe purpose of the Initiative shall be to accelerate efforts to carry out the fundamental resources and mapping mission of the United States Geological Survey by—(1) providing integrated topographic, geologic, geochemical, and geophysical mapping;
(2) accelerating the integration and consolidation of geospatial and resource data; and
(3) providing interpretation of subsurface and above-ground mineral resources data.
(d) Cooperative agreements(1) In generalIn carrying out the Initiative, the Director of the United States Geological Survey may enter into cooperative agreements with State geological surveys.
(2) EffectNothing in paragraph (1) precludes the Director of the United States Geological Survey from using existing contracting authorities in carrying out the Initiative.
(e) Comprehensive mapping modernization(1) In generalNot later than 10 years after November 15, 2021, the Initiative shall complete an initial comprehensive national modern surface and subsurface mapping and data integration effort.
(2) ApproachIn carrying out paragraph (1) with regard to minerals, mineralization, and mineral deposits, the Initiative shall focus on the full range of minerals, using a whole ore body approach rather than a single commodity approach, to emphasize all of the recoverable critical minerals in a given surface or subsurface deposit.
(3) PriorityIn carrying out paragraph (1) with regard to minerals, mineralization, and mineral deposits, the Initiative shall prioritize mapping and assessing critical minerals.
(4) InclusionsIn carrying out paragraph (1), the Initiative shall also—(A) map and collect data for areas containing mine waste to increase understanding of above-ground critical mineral resources in previously disturbed areas; and
(B) provide for analysis of samples, including samples within the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program established under section 15908(b) of title 42 for the occurrence of critical minerals.
(f) AvailabilityThe Initiative shall make the geospatial data and metadata gathered by the Initiative under subsection (e)(1) electronically publicly accessible on an ongoing basis.
(g) Integration of data sourcesThe Initiative shall integrate data sources, including data from—(1) the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program established by section 31c(a)(1) of this title;
(2) the National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program established under section 15908(b) of title 42;
(3) the USMIN Mineral Deposit Database of the United States Geological Survey;
(4) the 3D Elevation Program established under section 3104(a) of this title; and
(5) other relevant sources, including sources providing geothermal resources data.
(h) Authorization of appropriationsThere is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary to carry out this section $320,000,000 for the period of fiscal years 2022 through 2026, to remain available until expended.

Structure US Code

US Code



§ 31. Director of United States Geological Survey

§ 31a. Findings and purpose

§ 31b. Definitions

§ 31c. Geologic mapping program

§ 31d. Advisory committee

§ 31e. Geologic mapping program 5-year plan

§ 31f. National geologic map database

§ 31g. Biennial report

§ 31h. Authorization of appropriations

§ 31i. Report on resource research activities

§ 31j. Biological research activity of Survey; review and report by National Academy of Sciences

§ 31k. National Volcano Early Warning and Monitoring System

§ 31l. Earth Mapping Resources Initiative

§ 32. Acting Director

§ 33. Repealed. ,

§ 34. Scientific employees

§ 35. Repealed. , ,

§ 36. Purchase of books

§ 36a. Acquisition of scientific or technical books, maps, etc., for library

§ 36b. Acquisition of lands or interests therein for use in gaging streams or underground water resources

§ 36c. Acceptance of contributions from public and private sources; cooperation with other agencies in prosecution of projects

§ 36d. Cooperative agreements

§ 37. Omitted

§ 38. Topographic surveys; marking elevations

§§ 39, 40. Omitted

§ 41. Publications and reports; preparation and sale

§ 42. Distribution of maps and atlases, etc.

§ 42a. Use of receipts from sale of maps for map printing and distribution

§ 43. Copies to Senators, Representatives, and Delegates

§ 44. Sale of transfers or copies of data

§ 45. Production and sale of copies of photographs and records; disposition of receipts

§ 46. Omitted

§ 47. Repealed. ,

§ 48. Omitted

§ 49. Extension of cooperative work to Puerto Rico

§ 50. Survey’s share of cost of topographic mapping or water resources investigations carried on with States

§ 50–1. Funds for mappings and investigations considered intragovernmental funds

§ 50a. Working capital fund for United States Geological Survey

§ 50b. Recording of obligations against accounts receivable and crediting of amounts received; work involving cooperation with State, Territory, etc.

§ 50c. Payment of costs incidental to utilization of services of volunteers

§ 50d. Services of students or recent graduates

§ 50e. USGS energy and minerals research facility