US Code
§ 2687. Base closures and realignments

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no action may be taken to effect or implement—(1) the closure of any military installation at which at least 300 civilian personnel are authorized to be employed;
(2) any realignment with respect to any military installation referred to in paragraph (1) involving a reduction by more than 1,000, or by more than 50 percent, in the number of civilian personnel authorized to be employed at such military installation at the time the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of the military department concerned notifies the Congress under subsection (b) of the Secretary’s plan to close or realign such installation; or
(3) any construction, conversion, or rehabilitation at any military facility other than a military installation referred to in clause (1) or (2) which will or may be required as a result of the relocation of civilian personnel to such facility by reason of any closure or realignment to which clause (1) or (2) applies,
unless and until the provisions of subsection (b) are complied with.
(b) No action described in subsection (a) with respect to the closure of, or a realignment with respect to, any military installation referred to in such subsection may be taken unless and until—(1) the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of the military department concerned notifies the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives, as part of an annual request for authorization of appropriations to such Committees, of the proposed closing or realignment and submits with the notification—(A) an evaluation of the fiscal, local economic, budgetary, environmental, strategic, and operational consequences of such closure or realignment; and
(B) the criteria used to consider and recommend military installations for such closure or realignment, which shall include at a minimum consideration of—(i) the ability of the infrastructure (including transportation infrastructure) of both the existing and receiving communities to support forces, missions, and personnel as a result of such closure or realignment; and
(ii) the costs associated with community transportation infrastructure improvements as part of the evaluation of cost savings or return on investment of such closure or realignment; and
(2) a period of 30 legislative days or 60 calendar days, whichever is longer, expires following the day on which the notice and evaluation referred to in clause (1) have been submitted to such committees, during which period no irrevocable action may be taken to effect or implement the decision.
(c) No action described in subsection (a) with respect to the closure of, or realignment with respect to, any military installation referred to in such subsection may be taken within five years after the date on which a decision is made to reduce the civilian personnel thresholds below the levels prescribed in such subsection.
(d) This section shall not apply to the closure of a military installation, or a realignment with respect to a military installation, if the President certifies to the Congress that such closure or realignment must be implemented for reasons of national security or a military emergency.
(e)(1) After the expiration of the period of time provided for in subsection (b)(2) with respect to the closure or realignment of a military installation, funds which would otherwise be available to the Secretary to effect the closure or realignment of that installation may be used by him for such purpose.
(2) Nothing in this section restricts the authority of the Secretary to obtain architectural and engineering services under section 2807 of this title.
(f) If the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of the military department concerned determines, pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), that a significant transportation impact will occur as a result of an action described in subsection (a), the action may not be taken unless and until the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of the military department concerned—(1) analyzes the adequacy of transportation infrastructure at and in the vicinity of each military installation that would be impacted by the action;
(2) concludes consultation with the Secretary of Transportation with regard to such impact;
(3) analyzes the impact of the action on local businesses, neighborhoods, and local governments; and
(4) includes in the notification required by subsection (b)(1) a description of how the Secretary intends to remediate the significant transportation impact.
(g) In this section:(1) The term “military installation” means a base, camp, post, station, yard, center, homeport facility for any ship, or other activity under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense, including any leased facility, which is located within any of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or Guam. Such term does not include any facility used primarily for civil works, rivers and harbors projects, or flood control projects.
(2) The term “civilian personnel” means direct-hire, permanent civilian employees of the Department of Defense.
(3) The term “realignment” includes any action which both reduces and relocates functions and civilian personnel positions, but does not include a reduction in force resulting from workload adjustments, reduced personnel or funding levels, skill imbalances, or other similar causes.
(4) The term “legislative day” means a day on which either House of Congress is in session.

Structure US Code

US Code


Subtitle A— General Military Law



§ 2661. Miscellaneous administrative provisions relating to real property

[§ 2661a. Repealed. , , ]

§ 2662. Real property transactions: reports to congressional committees

§ 2663. Land acquisition authorities

§ 2664. Limitations on real property acquisition

§ 2665. Sale of certain interests in land; logs

[§ 2666. Repealed. , , ]

§ 2667. Leases: non-excess property of military departments and Defense Agencies

[§ 2667a. Repealed. , , ]

§ 2668. Easements for rights-of-way

§ 2668a. Easements: granting restrictive easements in connection with land conveyances

§ 2669. Transfer of land and facilities to support contracts with federally funded research and development centers

§ 2670. Use of facilities by private organizations; use as polling places

§ 2671. Military reservations and facilities: hunting, fishing, and trapping

§ 2672. Protection of buildings, grounds, property, and persons

[§ 2672a. Repealed. , , ]

[§ 2673. Repealed. , , ]

§ 2674. Operation and control of Pentagon Reservation and defense facilities in National Capital Region

§ 2675. Leases: foreign countries

[§ 2676. Renumbered § 2664]

[§ 2677. Repealed. , , ]

§ 2678. Feral horses and burros: removal from military installations

§ 2679. Installation-support services: intergovernmental support agreements

[§ 2680. Repealed. , , ]

§ 2681. Renumbered § 4175]

§ 2682. Facilities for defense agencies

§ 2683. Relinquishment of legislative jurisdiction; minimum drinking age on military installations

§ 2684. Cooperative agreements for management of cultural resources

§ 2684a. Agreements to limit encroachments and other constraints on military training, testing, and operations

§ 2685. Adjustment of or surcharge on selling prices in commissary stores to provide funds for construction and improvement of commissary store facilities

§ 2686. Utilities and services: sale; expansion and extension of systems and facilities

§ 2687. Base closures and realignments

§ 2687a. Overseas base closures and realignments and status of United States overseas military locations

§ 2688. Utility systems: conveyance authority

[§ 2689. Renumbered § 2917]

[§ 2690. Renumbered § 2918]

§ 2691. Restoration of land used by permit or damaged by mishap; reimbursement of State costs of fighting wildland fires

§ 2692. Storage, treatment, and disposal of nondefense toxic and hazardous materials

[§ 2693. Repealed. , , ]

§ 2694. Conservation and cultural activities

§ 2694a. Conveyance of surplus real property for natural resource conservation

§ 2694b. Participation in wetland mitigation banks

§ 2694c. Participation in conservation banking programs

§ 2694d. Participation in pollutant banks and water quality trading

§ 2695. Acceptance of funds to cover administrative expenses relating to certain real property transactions

§ 2696. Real property: transfer between armed forces and screening requirements for other Federal use

§ 2697. Acceptance and use of landing fees charged for use of domestic military airfields by civil aircraft