US Code
§ 2674. Operation and control of Pentagon Reservation and defense facilities in National Capital Region

(a) Pentagon Reservation.—The Secretary of Defense has jurisdiction, custody, and control over, and responsibility for, the operation, maintenance, and management of the Pentagon Reservation.
(b) Law Enforcement Authorities and Personnel.—(1) The Secretary shall protect the buildings, grounds, and property located in the National Capital Region that are occupied by, or under the jurisdiction, custody, or control of, the Department of Defense, and the persons on that property.
(2) The Secretary may designate military or civilian personnel to perform law enforcement functions and military, civilian, or contract personnel to perform security functions for such buildings, grounds, property, and persons, including, with regard to civilian personnel designated under this section, duty in areas outside the property referred to in paragraph (1) to the extent necessary to protect that property and persons on that property. Subject to the authorization of the Secretary, any such military or civilian personnel so designated may exercise the authorities listed in paragraphs (1) through (5) of section 2672(c) of this title.
(3) The powers granted under paragraph (2) to military and civilian personnel designated under that paragraph shall be exercised in accordance with guidelines prescribed by the Secretary and approved by the Attorney General.
(4) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to—(A) preclude or limit the authority of any Defense Criminal Investigative Organization or any other Federal law enforcement agency;
(B) restrict the authority of the Secretary of Homeland Security under the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 101 et seq.) or the authority of the Administrator of General Services, including the authority to promulgate regulations affecting property under the custody and control of that Secretary or the Administrator, respectively;
(C) expand or limit section 21 of the Internal Security Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. 797);
(D) affect chapter 47 of this title (the Uniform Code of Military Justice);
(E) restrict any other authority of the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of a military department; or
(F) restrict the authority of the Director of the National Security Agency under section 11 of the National Security Agency Act of 1959 (50 U.S.C. 3609).
(5) For positions for which the permanent duty station is the Pentagon Reservation, the Secretary, in his sole and exclusive discretion, may without regard to the pay provisions of title 5, fix the rates of basic pay for such positions occupied by civilian law enforcement and security personnel appointed under the authority of this section so as to place such personnel on a comparable basis with personnel of other similar Federal law enforcement and security organizations within the vicinity of the Pentagon Reservation, not to exceed the basic pay for personnel performing similar duties in the United States Secret Service Uniformed Division or the United States Park Police, whichever is greater.
(c) Regulations and Enforcement.—(1) The Secretary may prescribe such rules and regulations as the Secretary considers appropriate to ensure the safe, efficient, and secure operation of the Pentagon Reservation, including rules and regulations necessary to govern the operation and parking of motor vehicles on the Pentagon Reservation.
(2) Any person who violates a rule or regulation prescribed under this subsection is liable to the United States for a civil penalty of not more than $1,000.
(3) Any person who willfully violates any rule or regulation prescribed pursuant to this subsection commits a Class B misdemeanor.
(d) Authority To Charge for Provision of Certain Services and Facilities.— The Secretary of Defense may establish rates and collect charges for space, services, protection, maintenance, construction, repairs, alterations, or facilities provided at the Pentagon Reservation.
(e) Pentagon Reservation Maintenance Revolving Fund.—(1) There is established in the Treasury of the United States a revolving fund to be known as the Pentagon Reservation Maintenance Revolving Fund (hereafter in this section referred to as the “Fund”). There shall be deposited into the Fund funds collected by the Secretary for space and services and other items provided an organization or entity using any facility or land on the Pentagon Reservation pursuant to subsection (d).
(2) Subject to paragraphs (3) and (4), monies deposited into the Fund shall be available, without fiscal year limitation, for expenditure for real property management, operation, protection, construction, repair, alteration and related activities for the Pentagon Reservation.
(3) If the cost of a construction or alteration activity proposed to be financed in whole or in part using monies from the Fund will exceed the limitation specified in section 2805 of this title for a comparable unspecified minor military construction project, the activity shall be subject to authorization as provided by section 2802 of this title before monies from the Fund are obligated for the activity.
(4)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the authority of the Secretary to use monies from the Fund to support construction or alteration activities at the Pentagon Reservation expires on September 30, 2012.
(B) Notwithstanding the date specified in subparagraph (A), the Secretary may use monies from the Fund after that date to support construction or alteration activities at the Pentagon Reservation within the limits specified in section 2805 of this title.
(f) Definitions.— In this section:(1) The term “Pentagon Reservation” means the Pentagon, the Mark Center Campus, and the Raven Rock Mountain Complex.
(2) The term “National Capital Region” means the geographic area located within the boundaries of (A) the District of Columbia, (B) Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties in the State of Maryland, (C) Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William Counties and the City of Alexandria in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and (D) all cities and other units of government within the geographic areas of such District, Counties, and City.
(3) The term “Pentagon” means that area of land (consisting of approximately 227 acres) and improvements thereon, including parking areas, located in Arlington County, Virginia, containing the Pentagon Office Building and its supporting facilities.
(4) The term “Mark Center Campus” means that area of land (consisting of approximately 16 acres) and improvements thereon, including parking areas, located in Alexandria, Virginia, and known on the day before the date of the enactment of this paragraph as the Fort Belvoir Mark Center Campus.
(5) The term “Raven Rock Mountain Complex” means that area of land (consisting of approximately 720 acres) and improvements thereon, including parking areas, at the Raven Rock Mountain Complex and its supporting facilities located in Maryland and Pennsylvania.

Structure US Code

US Code


Subtitle A— General Military Law



§ 2661. Miscellaneous administrative provisions relating to real property

[§ 2661a. Repealed. , , ]

§ 2662. Real property transactions: reports to congressional committees

§ 2663. Land acquisition authorities

§ 2664. Limitations on real property acquisition

§ 2665. Sale of certain interests in land; logs

[§ 2666. Repealed. , , ]

§ 2667. Leases: non-excess property of military departments and Defense Agencies

[§ 2667a. Repealed. , , ]

§ 2668. Easements for rights-of-way

§ 2668a. Easements: granting restrictive easements in connection with land conveyances

§ 2669. Transfer of land and facilities to support contracts with federally funded research and development centers

§ 2670. Use of facilities by private organizations; use as polling places

§ 2671. Military reservations and facilities: hunting, fishing, and trapping

§ 2672. Protection of buildings, grounds, property, and persons

[§ 2672a. Repealed. , , ]

[§ 2673. Repealed. , , ]

§ 2674. Operation and control of Pentagon Reservation and defense facilities in National Capital Region

§ 2675. Leases: foreign countries

[§ 2676. Renumbered § 2664]

[§ 2677. Repealed. , , ]

§ 2678. Feral horses and burros: removal from military installations

§ 2679. Installation-support services: intergovernmental support agreements

[§ 2680. Repealed. , , ]

§ 2681. Renumbered § 4175]

§ 2682. Facilities for defense agencies

§ 2683. Relinquishment of legislative jurisdiction; minimum drinking age on military installations

§ 2684. Cooperative agreements for management of cultural resources

§ 2684a. Agreements to limit encroachments and other constraints on military training, testing, and operations

§ 2685. Adjustment of or surcharge on selling prices in commissary stores to provide funds for construction and improvement of commissary store facilities

§ 2686. Utilities and services: sale; expansion and extension of systems and facilities

§ 2687. Base closures and realignments

§ 2687a. Overseas base closures and realignments and status of United States overseas military locations

§ 2688. Utility systems: conveyance authority

[§ 2689. Renumbered § 2917]

[§ 2690. Renumbered § 2918]

§ 2691. Restoration of land used by permit or damaged by mishap; reimbursement of State costs of fighting wildland fires

§ 2692. Storage, treatment, and disposal of nondefense toxic and hazardous materials

[§ 2693. Repealed. , , ]

§ 2694. Conservation and cultural activities

§ 2694a. Conveyance of surplus real property for natural resource conservation

§ 2694b. Participation in wetland mitigation banks

§ 2694c. Participation in conservation banking programs

§ 2694d. Participation in pollutant banks and water quality trading

§ 2695. Acceptance of funds to cover administrative expenses relating to certain real property transactions

§ 2696. Real property: transfer between armed forces and screening requirements for other Federal use

§ 2697. Acceptance and use of landing fees charged for use of domestic military airfields by civil aircraft