US Code
§ 239d. Budgeting for depot and ammunition production facility maintenance and repair: annual report

(a) Annual Report.—The Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Secretaries of the military departments, shall include with the defense budget materials for each fiscal year a report regarding the maintenance and repair of covered facilities.
(b) Elements.—Each report required under subsection (a) shall include, at a minimum, the following (disaggregated by military department):(1) With respect to each of the three fiscal years preceding the fiscal year covered by the defense budget materials with which the report is included, revenue data for that fiscal year for the maintenance, repair, and overhaul workload funded at all the depots of the military department.
(2) With respect to the fiscal year covered by the defense budget materials with which the report is included and each of the two fiscal years prior, an identification of the following:(A) The amount of appropriations budgeted for that fiscal year for depots, further disaggregated by the type of appropriation.
(B) The amount budgeted for that fiscal year for working-capital fund investments by the Secretary of the military department for the capital budgets of the covered depots of the military department, shown in total and further disaggregated by whether the investment relates to the efficiency of depot facilities, work environment, equipment, equipment (non-capital investment program), or processes.
(C) The total amount required to be invested by the Secretary of the military department for that fiscal year for the capital budgets of covered depots pursuant to section 2476(a) of this title.
(D) A comparison of the budgeted amount identified under subparagraph (B) with the total required amount identified under subparagraph (C).
(E) For each covered depot of the military department, of the total required amount identified under subparagraph (C), the percentage of such amount allocated, or projected to be allocated, to the covered depot for that fiscal year.
(3) For each covered facility of the military department, the following:(A) Information on the average facility condition, average critical facility condition, restoration and maintenance project backlog, and average equipment age, including a description of any changes in such metrics from previous years.
(B) Information on the status of the implementation at the covered facility of the plans and strategies of the Department of Defense relating to covered facility improvement, including, as applicable, the implementation of the strategy required under section 359 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 (Public Law 116–92; 133 Stat. 1323; 10 U.S.C. 2460 11 See References in Text note below. note).
(c) Definitions.—In this section:(1) The term “ammunition production facility” means an ammunition organic industrial base production facility.
(2) The terms “budget” and “defense budget materials” have the meaning given those terms in section 234 of this title.
(3) The term “covered depot” has the meaning given that term in section 2476 of this title.
(4) The term “covered facility” means a covered depot or an ammunition production facility.

Structure US Code

US Code


Subtitle A— General Military Law



§ 221. Future-years defense program: submission to Congress; consistency in budgeting

§ 222. Future-years mission budget

§ 222a. Unfunded priorities of the armed forces and combatant commands: annual report

§ 222b. Unfunded priorities of the Missile Defense Agency: annual report

§ 222c. Armed forces: Out-Year Unconstrained Total Munitions Requirements; Out-Year inventory numbers

§ 222d. Annual report on industrial base constraints for munitions

§ 223. Ballistic missile defense programs: program elements

§ 223a. Ballistic missile defense programs: procurement

§ 224. Ballistic missile defense programs: display of amounts for research, development, test, and evaluation

§ 225. Acquisition accountability reports on the ballistic missile defense system

§ 226. Special operations forces: display of service-common and other support and enabling capabilities

[§ 227. Repealed. , , ]

[§ 228. Repealed. , , ]

§ 229. Programs for combating terrorism: display of budget information

[§ 230. Repealed. , , ]

§ 231. Budgeting for construction, maintenance, and modernization of naval vessels: annual plan and certification

§ 231a. Budgeting for life-cycle costs of aircraft for the Army, Navy, and Air Force: annual plan and certification

[§ 232. Repealed. , , ]

§ 233. Operation and maintenance budget presentation

§ 234. POW/MIA activities: display of budget information

[§ 235. Repealed. , , ]

§ 236. Personal protection equipment procurement: display of budget information

§ 237. Embedded mental health providers of the reserve components: display of budget information

§ 238. Cyber mission forces: program elements

§ 239. National security space programs: major force program and budget assessment

§ 239a. Missile defense and defeat programs: major force program and budget assessment

§ 239b. Certain intelligence-related programs: budget justification materials

§ 239c. Certain multiyear contracts for acquisition of property: budget justification materials

§ 239d. Budgeting for depot and ammunition production facility maintenance and repair: annual report